
Friday, February 14, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 | {February 7- February 13}

Happy Valentines Day!

I meant to get this post done earlier, but I was busy getting things ready for Valentine's Day and helping out at school. Tonight I am actually working at the library, so I finally had time to get it done. Hope your Valentine's evening was more romantic than mine is!

Day 39 | Feb 7

This morning after I dropped  the boys off at school, Miss Aubrey showed me what was in her coat pockets. It seems she liked the look of these pencil sharpeners from the supply store we went to yesterday, so she put them in her pocket! We had a little discussion about how mommy has to BUY things before we can take them from the store and then we took them back and apologized.

Day 40 | Feb 8

We were hoping for a snow day, but woke up to a soggy, rainy day instead. So we drove up the canyon into the mountains near our home and found lots of snow to play with. It was so fun!

Day 41 | Feb 9

Today was another rainy day. The snow in our back yard is turning into an icy puddle! It was the kind of day that makes you want to go to bed and take a good nap.

Day 42 | Feb 10

Today we finished making Valentines for Eli's class. He was very excited to give his classmates each a bouncy ball, and I was excited that they were so simple to make!

Day 43 | Feb 11

I had to get some supplies from the craft store, so I told my kids if they were good at the store they could pick something from the dollar section. They picked posters to color, which made for a nice and quiet afternoon.

Day 44 | Feb 12

For Tiger Cub Scouts tonight, my husband and I taught about collections and how to label them. Jonah brought his rock collection as well as his collection of Lego Star Wars mini-figures. We labeled the mini-figures because they are much easier to identify than rocks!

Day 45 | Feb 13

This morning before school, Jonah worked on addressing his Valentine cards. I actually bought these robot valentines a few years ago on clearance, and Jonah was happy to use them for his class this year.

Nurse Loves Farmer

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. I just love cute punny valentines like Jonahs! And oh no about Miss A! I think each kid does that once in their life!

  2. These are soo cute. I love the valentines. What a cute idea.

  3. Bless her heart - those are eye catching pencil sharpeners. Love your Valentines and sure do miss the days when we put together something for each of my kids' classes. (also miss those nap times too)

  4. You certainly can't have a winter without snow! Even if you do have to visit it...LOL... :)

    Love the bouncy ball valentines. If my kiddos were littler I might just store the idea away for next year. Alas they are going to be outgrowing this phase soon enough as jr. high looms around the corner for my youngest. *Sniff*

  5. gosh a Valentine card and pressie for each child in the class. My son sat one day in a shop and ate( half of before I caught him) a cream egg, goodness knows why as he was not allowed dairy.
    Look at the size of that snow ball. impressive, and looks like so much fun

  6. Wonderful pictures.
    I'm loving the snow shot. We've not had any here and that upsets my kids

  7. Lovely shots, love the little valentines gifts #project365

  8. Your pictures are all so beautiful! I love the snow day pictures and I'm jealous that you had to drive some where to find snow LOL

  9. Such beautiful photos and what an amazing thing to take Valentine gifts in for class

  10. Stunning photos - how super to drive for snow play. Hard work on the Valentines for all - bravo!
