
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Feeling the LOVE!

The song for this week's Songography is "I'd Do Anything for Love" (But I Won't Do That) by Meatloaf.

At first I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to take a picture of for this song. But then I realized that there were TONS of things that I did this week out of love for my sweet children... but there are some things I will not do!

When the kids wanted to know if I would make those awesome lip suckers that I made last year, of course I said YES (as long as you promise to pose for pictures)!

But don't ask me to take a selfie with my own big red lips... I won't do that!

I will gladly help you make Valentine's for your classmates.

But don't ask me to come up with my own creative Valentine idea, or do much more than print out a simple baggie topper. Having learned from past experience... I won't do that!

I will also be more than happy to buy you some cute Valentines from the store if that is what you want instead of homemade Valentines.

But I am afraid you are going to have to address them yourself... I won't do that!

I would love to come and help out with your class Valentine's Day party, even when they ask me to come up with a cool craft for your classmates to do (crafts are so much harder than games!).

But after discovering that you are the only kid in your class that is clever enough to figure out how to actually DO the craft and then having to scramble to make the craft easier... well, next year I won't do that!

When your completely awesome Grandpa sends all of us a box of chocolates, you can bet I will let you eat them up (but not all at once)! Yum.

But don't ask me to share my own 2 pound box of chocolates... I won't do that!!

I love my three sweet kiddos, aren't they adorable? They fill my life with joy and laughter. I would do just about anything for them!

Unless they ask me if they can have the last sugar cookie with sprinkles. You know, the one my friend brought over just for me (and the kids already had one)? I won't do that!

We had a fun and fabulous Valentine's day full of LOVE, and we hope you did too.

Hugs and Kisses from the Honey Household!

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. These are so adorable! Love how you tied in the theme from the song (-:

  2. Precious!! And stick to it mama! Gotta keep a few treats for yourself...

  3. These are too adorable - absolutely love the big lips and those heart bags.

  4. You MADE those lip pops??!!?? They are awesome! Not to mention great photo props too. I have yet to find a bribe to make my teenager willingly pose for me...I have just resorted to threats :). Thanks for joining in at Song-ography!

  5. Looks like you enjoyed Valentine's day! Cute photos

  6. Oh so adorable and precious children and fun photos ~ thanks,

    carol and artmusedog

  7. This is just so adorable! You really do have cute kids.

  8. Those suckers are so awesome! The pictures make them even better!

    You might just have to make that a tradition and then watch as the those little faces turn into older (but still adorable) faces. They might just love that too! I know my oldest would, as he is all about traditions (he loves to take photos similar to the year before so he can see how much he's changed).

  9. So adorable. Love the suckers.

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper
