
Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Day at the Winter Games

This week's song title for Songography is the Danielle Bradbury's "My Day", which is one of the official songs the United States is using to promote the Olympics.

We love the Olympics! We have been watching the TV way more than usual, and my boys have been telling me which sports they plan to compete in when they grow up (bobsledding, snowboarding, and downhill skiing). It has been really fun!

We watched the opening ceremonies last night and I even made Russian blini for my kids. We hoped to wake up to our own winter wonderland. But alas, it was raining this morning!

So we drove up the canyon this morning to find some snow and participate in our own winter sports.  We found plenty of snow, and fun!

We intended to go sledding at a location further up the canyon, however my van was disqualified due to lack of four-wheel drive. But team Honey was not defeated! We turned around and found a picnic area to stop at and play our snow games. The first game commenced as soon as the competitors were properly dressed. Eli was victorious in the cross-country hill climb, and Miss Aubrey definitely won gold in snow angel creation.

Jonah dominated the field with his snow ball rolling. You should see the huge snowman we made!!

There were some snow sports that were not officially sanctioned, however the kids all participated in snow-eating, no matter how much I tried to discourage them!

Silly kids! Of course the traditional snowball-throwing competition was also a part of our winter games. As you can see, the competitors had no trouble making snowballs of epic proportions!

I am not sure if there was judging in the category of cuteness, but I think Miss Aubrey was a definitely a medalist!

What an epic day we had at the winter games! It was wonderful.

Today was My Day! I felt like a gold medal mommy! Even though it took quite a bit of effort on my part and I was tempted to take the easy path, I chose to take the kids on an adventure rather than sit around and watch it rain.

It was a beautiful day!

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. Looks like they had lots of fun!

  2. good for you for making such a great day full of memories for you adorable children! Love your photos ... esp the one of your son by the snowy stream. And yes...your daughter does deserve a gold for cuteness!!! have a great weekend!

  3. How fun!! I think the Olympic are such a fun thing for kids - it helps them dream and thing big! I am sure we will see them on the global stage with gold medals one day (-:

  4. What a fun day! I love the expression on your little snow angel. I am an Olympics junkie but you won't find me rolling around in the snow....enjoy!!

  5. A fabulous, dare I say, Olympic day. Great shots and commentary.

  6. I love your post, and your kids are just so precious. Creating memories for them that will be with them all of their lives.... and yours too. That snow eating is a "sport" that I remember well, and many a "snow ice cream" treat have I had. Wonderful shots and a great mommy!

  7. Okay, I think YOU won a gold medal for "best mom" since you went with the theme and made blini for your family while watching the Olympics! I love seeing little kids with their cheeks a glow from being out in the snow...looks like a wonderul "my day" for sure! What a fun post! Thanks for joining in at Song-ography!

  8. What a wonderful snow day! I feel so bad that we haven't watched any of the Olympics this go around. Sounds like you are making it fun!

  9. Nice shots of your kids. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the snow.

  10. Fun photos and beautiful children ~ very creative especially your last photo ~ thanks,

    thanks, carol mckenna and artmusedog ^_^

  11. You do deserve a gold metal for being a great mom! Your kids will always remember what fun times they had with you and recording it with pictures will make this day special for years to come.

  12. Looks like everyone was a winner!! Cute kiddos. Love the way you tied the wording into an Olympic theme. Well done.

  13. Love your Olympics!

    Thankful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  14. What a fun day of memory making! Your photos are gorgeous.

  15. Looks you have the perfect winter Olympic conditions and your competitors are bound to get the gold medal... in cuteness ;)


  16. What wonderful memories you made with them! I do think Miss Aubrey wins gold for cute!
