
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 | {January 5-11}

Day 5

Sunday morning my little girl cozied up to her Daddy and started being silly and making us laugh. Luckily my camera was close by, so I managed to snap a picture of the two of them together.

Day 6

Last month for Scouts my son made a birdfeeder using a cardboard tube, peanut butter, and seeds. We watched and waited, but did not catch any birds eating the seeds. When I came home from dropping the kids off at school I spotted this little guy having breakfast. So I had to take some pictures to show Jonah that his bird feeder worked!!

Day 7

Today my little girl was supposed to be taking a nap in her room. I had already put her back in bed once and then it was quiet, so I thought for sure she was asleep. When I peeked into her room I caught her trying to put a diaper on her dolly!

Day 8

It snowed like crazy all day today! I shoveled the driveway three or four times! In between shoveling, I decided to try to take pictures of snowflakes. The above picture was the best of the bunch and I was pretty happy with it!

I also have a pretty cute shoveling crew, don't you think? After all their hard work we decided to stop and make a snowman. I think he turned out pretty well.

Meet Sam the Snowman. Isn't he cute?

Day 9

My oldest boy started karate in the Fall, and so far he loves it! Today was parent watch day, so I got to snap a few pictures of the instructor showing him how to get out of a hold.

Day 10

Miss Aubrey absolutely loves her Bear-Bear (in case you can't tell)! When she falls asleep she likes to cuddle up to him and stroke his gingham ribbon between her fingers. It is the cutest thing ever!

Day 11

With all the snow we had the past few days, we were hoping to go sledding today. No such luck! It warmed up enough that everything was slushy. So we went to a nearby church parking lot and had scooter races on the mostly dry asphalt. So fun!

How was your week?

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. What lovely photos, we haven't had snow yet, can't say I'm looking forward to it.

  2. oh my word that snowflake picture is stunning, how did you capture it, i want it to snow now so i can try it #weeklytopshot

  3. Love all your photos, lots of fun. Those snowflakes are just out of this world, it always amazes me that they really do look like that, great shot :)

  4. such happy and creative photos and adorable family ~ carol, xxx

  5. These are ALL gorgeous! Wow! :)

  6. These are great! Love the snowflake, wow! Scooter races sound fun!

  7. Such gorgeous photos but I love the one with 'Bear-bear' that is really lovely

  8. I always loved when the snow was just right for making snow balls and snow men.

    You did great with that snowflake picture!

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  10. I LOVE that macro shot of the snowflake!!! Just gorgeous - thanks for linking up!

  11. He's old enough for scouts... I can't believe it. Love the scooter races, so fun!

  12. Love that snowflake pic! Scooter races are so cool!!

  13. What an awesome snowman! That snowflake shot is great.

  14. I absolutely love the snowflake pic! It shows up so well against the purple background.
