
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 | {January 1-4}

Happy New Year!

I am not typically the type of person who makes "resolutions". I prefer to make and set goals whenever I feel the need. However, in an effort to get my camera out more often and document our daily lives, I decided this year I wanted participate in a 365 project. It will be nice to start with the new year and take photos every day this year.

 Additionally, I have always wanted to have a scrapbook that my kids can enjoy (and me too!), so I have decided to start working on my Project Life scrapbook this year. I have a scrapbook and core kit and everything I need to get going. Now I just need to fill my book with pictures. So here we go!

Day 1

January 1st- After staying up late we all slept in and spent the whole morning in our pajamas! Don't I have the cutest kiddos? In the afternoon the boys and Daddy worked on building the Lego Millennium Falcon that they got for Christmas.

Day 2

January 2- Today we went to the library and checked out a bunch of books. The boys checked out a bunch of Star Wars books, which may have been influenced by all the Lego Star Wars sets they got for Christmas.

Day 3

January 3- The kids and I went to see a morning matinee of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. We all had a good laugh at all the "foodimals" such as shimpanzees, watermelephants and flamangos.

Day 4

January 4- We typically spend Saturdays cleaning up around the house and getting ready for church on Sunday. So all the kids get cleaned up as well. Here is Miss Aubrey playing with her animals in the tub.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. I love the lego building photos, my son got his first lego for Christmas and I've actually been really enjoying doing it with him, brought back childhood memories!

    Popping over from #365

  2. they certainly are very cute. Love how the boys are working together here more than once. That looks like a big model. Bob loves his lego. Look forward to seeing more of you and good luck with the project.

  3. Very cute children!
    Love the last one of your little girl and that one long strang of hair. Cute.

  4. It's been a bit of a Star Wars Christmas here: H got some books about Lego Star Wars & now wants just about every set.

  5. They're all beautiful photos of your children. You've really captured their personalities. I especially love the one of the boys reading the book together.

  6. What a great start to the year! Love the lego set - that's awesome. Miss A has gotten so big!

  7. Yes - you do have the cutest kiddos! (well except for my cute grandson of course :) )
    I like the picture of the boys reading together.

  8. that Millenium Falcom LEGO set is awesome! that will have kept them busy for a while! I adore the one of the two boys reading toegether , that is a lovely photo and i do also like the one of your daughter in the bath too x

  9. I think my son would get on famously with your boys - lego AND star wars books?! Looks as though you've had a great week and yes your kids are the cutest!

  10. A lovely set of photos. Your daughter in the bath is a beautiful shot

  11. aww what a great start to the year honey xx

  12. Hey, we got that Lego set too! Must have been a popular choice this year.

  13. 1. How is Aubrey SO big?! What? Wasn't she JUST born!!!
    2. Jealous of the Millenium Falcon - for myself not my kids. I kind of hate legos. They get lost so easily, I want to throw them all away. LOL
    3. LOVE Star Wars
    4. Was the movie good?

    1. I totally hear you on the Legos! The only way I would let them have the Millennium Falcon was because they absolutely cannot take it apart! If they do, it's mine. I cleared a shelf just for their big Lego sets that for now, stay together!

      As for the movie, I thought it was good. It was worth going to see (at the inexpensive theater). I don't know if it is a movie that we need to buy and watch over and over again, but the kids thought it was funny.

  14. I can't believe how big Aubrey is getting. She is looking so tall! And I am so jealous of your project life book. You'll have to let me know how it goes. I really want to get one.

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