
Friday, January 17, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 | {January 11-16}

Another week, another set of pictures! I have decided to join Nurse Loves Farmer, Behind the Camera and Dreaming and SimplyStavish for their Catch the Moment 365 on Friday morning. The timing works out better for me, but I will still be linking to 365 at The Boy and Me.

So here are my photos for the past week from the Honey House.

Day 11

With all the snow we had the past few days, we were hoping to go sledding today. No such luck! It warmed up enough that everything was slushy. So we went to a nearby church parking lot and had scooter races on the mostly dry asphalt. Can you tell I have two boys and a girl?

Day 12

On Sunday my boys think it is fun to read the comics together. They don't really get most of the jokes, but I think it is adorable that they still try!

Day 13

I got my new camera bag today! I have wanted a nice camera bag for a while now and finally decided on a 2 Sues bag made by Kelly Moore. Isn't it gorgeous?!

Day 14

After Kindergarten today I discovered that Eli and Miss Aubrey had made up a "bed" on the couch and were having a great time playing together and being silly. What a cute pair!

What's on your night stand? I bet you don't have this many books! This evening I went to my Young Adult book group and brought this huge stack of books with me. As a children's librarian, I have been trying to read all the contenders for the Newbery Award before it is announced at the end of January. I have read almost all of these books in the past month.

Day 15

Eli came home from Kindergarten today and was determined to finish all of his math homework... for the entire month of January! Who am I to say no to that kind of determination? So we sat down and got them all done this afternoon.

Day 16

I took this picture when I got home from the gym this morning. Yep! It is still pitch black outside when I get home from the gym at 6:30 am. I have been going to the gym 4-5 times a week for the past two months. All my hard work paid off! Not only have I lost 7% of my body fat, I found out today I won the biggest loser contest at work! Hooray!

This evening I played Twister with the kids. Miss Aubrey didn't quite understand the game and spent most of the time laying down on the job. We had so much fun and laughed so hard!

Nurse Loves Farmer

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Love the new camera bag. You will have to tell us which books out of that stack you had that we should read (I love recommendations!). And of course, congrats on the BIG Win! Impressive! Can't wait to ride with you this spring! :)

  2. Absolutely love the photo of the moon!! Funny enough we were playing around with the camera last night, taking pics of the moon and got a similar photo to yours. I love how you can see so much detail! :)

  3. The moon shot is just amazing!!! And the books made me drool a bit. I love books, so much! The boys reading comics is so cute and such a keeper!

  4. Love all these pics! The top one is adorable, I really need to take a picture of the moon one day - what settings do you use? Congrats on your biggest loser win - awesome job! And also? Welcome to the Kelly Moore club! I adore my bag!

  5. I think your moon pic is better than mine! LOL!

    I was wondering why there were so many older kids books in that stack, when your kiddos seem a bit young for them. Being a children's librarian sounds like a fun job!

  6. you get home from the gym at 6.30 am what tie do you get up???? Well done on the weight loss. Love the bed on the couch picture, that is cute. Which book would you pick from that pile if you were the judge?

    1. I go to the gym before my husband leaves for work in the morning at 7am. That means I have to get to the gym by 5:30am, so I get up just before 5am! Ugh! It has been hard for me, but I am getting used to it.

      I am still reading a few more books, but if I had to choose one right now I would pick "Real Boy" by Anne Ursu. I loved it!

  7. great photos - love the one of them all lined up with their scooters and the boys reading their paper. and huuuge well done on the weight loss x x

  8. love the new camera bag its lovely, lovely shot of the boys with the comic #project365

  9. We went to the library today and I was thinking what a lovely place it would be to work in. I love your pics, especially the moon - amazing!

  10. I am loving some of those shots, the lined up scooters are so so cute and the moon is spectacular x

  11. Your kids are adorable and your pictures are amazing!

  12. I try to read but find it so hard to find the time. I also love your bag.

  13. Great week! Those books look good!! Love the moon shot, I saw a gorgeous moon a few days this week en route to the gym super early, too!

  14. Awww. These are so cute! Love that moon photo.

  15. I love that camera bag, really nice. Gorgeous photos of the children but I like the scooter shot at the beginning.

  16. Oh my goodness, I love that camera bag - its gorgeous! Fabulous photos of the kids too, all of them!

  17. I am drooling over your camera bag! Also, how did you take that photo of the moon. Mine always end up looking awful!

  18. Totally love those first two!!! So cute!

  19. Oh wow, your photos are simply stunning and I am going to really enjoy your project! The moon shot is wonderful, I do feel so rewarded when I manage to get one with good craters in it. The scooter shot at the top is brilliant!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
