
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {09.08.13}

Labor Day

For many of our friends, Labor Day is the last "pool day" of the season. However, the weather was less than ideal for swimming so we went to the Museum of Ancient Life instead. I love to visit because each time we find something different to look at. But we always stop at my favorite fossil, the giant sea turtle (Achelon Ischyros).

Phone Call

Sing it with me, "I'm at a payphone trying to call home, all of my change I've spent on you." I love the song "Payphone" by Maroon 5, so I wanted to take a picture of one for this prompt. That was before I realized how HARD it would be to find a payphone! And wouldn't you know it, this one is actually out of order.


I wasn't really sure what to do with this prompt. Then I remembered that Mike and Ike candies look like pills, right? Besides, they taste better and are more interesting to photograph too!

Up Close

This week my husband brought me home flowers... just because. I love it when he does that! So here is one of the daisies from my bouquet... up close. Really close!

While I was taking pictures of my flowers, a fly landed on a petal and just sat there. I guess he wanted to have his picture taken too... so here you go!

Do you think he is smiling for the camera?

White Space

I was going to go out and take a nice white space picture this afternoon, but then it rained like crazy. We are talking severe thunderstorm warnings here. So you get a few recent archive pictures of some lovely butterflies instead.

Speaking of our thunderstorm this afternoon, check out this cool shot I got of the rain on our driveway! It seems that all those little raindrops were more than ready to  "break free" from the clouds.

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. Up close and raindrops were my favorites this time.

    And I liked all your photos. ps we have so called Labor Day in 1.5.

  2. Lots of fabulous photos here. I LOVE your close up shots.


  3. Oh these are so fun and colorful!! Love the pay phone - save that to teach your kids haha!

  4. Great colors! Your close up shots are gorgeous.

  5. Congratulations on finding a pay phone to photograph. They are becoming a very rare commodity in this cell phone age. Very nice work this week.

  6. Love the raindrops! Can't believe you found a payphone! Fun shots!

  7. My first thought when I saw the photo was, where did she find a payphone?? Loved the photo too of the children in front of the giant sea turtle. What a dramatic shot.

  8. Lovely captures -- I think the payphone might belone in the museum as well. :) Visiting from Sunday Snapshot.

  9. Nice shots! I adore the rain shot. It's hard to get that one sometimes. Good job!

  10. We felt like we had the eternal rainy summer, and definitely wanted to break free.

  11. I love your butterflies!! The rain shot is just stunning. Also, clever with the Mike & Ike's!! They do look like pills :D

  12. Gotta love Maroon 5. Hard to find those old pay phones anymore.

  13. The museum sounds like such a fun and interesting place to visit. I know Coleen would LOVE going there.
    I was thinking about a phone booth shot but then I remembered reading somewhere that they are practically a thing of the past and had no idea where I would even find one. Funny that yours was "out of order."
    Love your Close-Ups of the flowers and even the fly. Those things are so pesky, we've had them inside lately and they are such a nuisance.
    Gorgeous butterflies.

    Oh my your breaking free rain shot is delightful.

  14. Great interpretation! Nice capture :)

  15. Thank you for joining in 'Weekly Top Shot #99' Hope to see you next Saturday for #100...

  16. Great group of shots - your macros are magnificent - and those raindrops - oh my!

  17. ah!! your raindrops?? splattering drops!! are amazing.

  18. You certainly got some wonderful shots for the prompts. LOVE your macro of the flower- so pretty.

    Can't wait to see what you get for the prompts this week. Should be interesting since I don't like pumpkin- so "enjoy a pumpkin drink" might prove to be a challenge. :) hehehe.

  19. This is a GREAT interpretation for "I Want to Break Free"! Both creative AND a fabulous shot. Thanks for joining in on Song-ography.

  20. HM,
    Looks like the family had a good trip to the museum. There is always more to see and learn than time for all of it. Awesome closeup pict and raindrop capture. Your daisy is so vibrant.

  21. Love your up close shot!

    And your "pills" are fabulous!

    It looks like you had a great time on Labor Day. That museum looks so awesome!
