
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {09.01.13}

This week has been crazy, with Kindergarten starting and my parents visiting. So I didn't think I would get anything posted at all. But I managed to get my Scavenger Hunt done today- hooray!

{Acorn} Down

It has been so HOT here lately that I have been starting to wonder if Fall is really coming. But then I noticed some of the acorns on the trees nearby have fallen down. Hopefully the temperatures will come down soon too!

{Mighty} Shadow

It appeared I was out of luck for a shadow shot today because of all the clouds, but luckily the sun came out late this afternoon. This is a composite shot of my son and his mighty flip flops.

{Slow} Flow

Honey Daddy was working on the sprinklers this morning and the sprinkler left tons of water drops all over the grass. They were lovely, all sparkling in the sun. So let's just go with the flow and pretend these water drops are flowing... slowly.

Tip {Top}

I have no idea what type of plant this is, but the tips were blooming and buzzing with bees! This is one of the best pictures I captured of the busy, buzzy bees.

And just in case you need it, here is another kind of tip (if you can read it, that is):

{Helpful} Tip

I have to say that this tip is so much nicer than some of the things you would usually read on the side of train cars!

Beyond {Busy}

Bees are amazing. They go far beyond simply producing honey! They also pollinate blossoms, helping our fruits and flowers grow.

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. Your shadow and flow photos are well found !!! Beautiful photos all !

  2. lovely shots. I have never seen an acorn like that before.

  3. There is something melancholic in that lonely acorn. Waterdrops are so beautiful and your shadow shot is priceless.

  4. Oh wow!!!! these are all so lovely. Really great shadow shot... VERY creative :D And the bee shots are perfection!

  5. Gorgeous!! Love the water droplets on the plant!
    Hope Kindergarden is off to a great start!

  6. The flow picture is amazing! well done. Great interpretations. Thanks for sharing

  7. That is a GREAT shadow shot! Sooooo creative :)

  8. great shadow, and flow is absolutely, drop dead gorgeous!

  9. The shadow shot is awesome!! Love it!! Also, the busy bee made me smile :D

  10. Shadow shot is so cute and I'm really lovin' the flow.

  11. Your bee shot is amazingly detailed... Thank you for joining in 'Weekly Top Shot #98' Hope to see you next Saturday for #99...

  12. You've got another great set here this week.
    Down - Your acorn shot is so crisp and has great detail.
    Shadow - Super fun and very creative.
    Flow - Sigh...I love this. There is just something so sweet about those tiny beads of water balance on that blade of grass.
    Tip - Very different and interesting. Makes you wonder what you are to be careful about. The tip with the bee on the flower is so pretty. I'm guessing your plant is either wild mint or catnip.
    Beyond - Zinnias are very cheery flowers and I love seeing the bees on them. You are right they do a lot of wonderful things for us.

  13. As always your photos are stunning! Your macro shots are so clear... so do you use a tripod for these? If you say yes, I think I'm going to have to get with the program & start using a tripod. My fave is your son's flip flops & shadow & the most beautiful shot is the water drops on the blades of grass.

  14. I love the creativity behind shadow- great work!

  15. Great choicss for the hunt this week, Honey Mommy! Love those water droplets on the grass!

  16. That shadow shot is so cool! I love how you used the flip flops and the shadow!
