
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {09.15.13}

Enjoy a Pumpkin Drink

I wasn't quite sure what to do with this prompt since I don't drink coffee, lattes or espresso. The only other "pumpkin drink" I could think of was a milk shake, but I didn't think I could make that look pretty in a picture. So I got creative some bottles of orange crush. Now I am all set for Halloween.

Read a Book

My second grader LOVES to read, so I guess he takes after his librarian-mommy. It is a good thing that I go to the library every week so I can keep him supplied with books! He read the entire Secrets of Droon Series over the summer and now he is working on Book 5 of the Children of the Red King series.

Something Sweet

I made some yummy zucchini bread this week, but it was all gone before I took a picture. So I used this prompt as an excuse to go get a cupcake at our local cupcake shop. This is the "Better than Anything" cupcake. Looks yummy, huh?


I am allergic to  basically any animal with hair, so we are a no-pets household. So instead of a cat or dog, you get an awesome chalk picture of a fish.

Get Artsy{Something Beautiful}

In case you were wondering how I happened upon a sidewalk chalk fish, this weekend there was a "Chalk the Block" festival at the Provo Riverwoods, so I had to check it out. I was absolutely amazed by the gorgeous works of art that were being created right before my eyes.

Unfortunately the weather has not been particularly cooperative. We have had thunderstorms every day this week, with everything from light sprinkles to heavy downpours.

Needless to say this makes chalk art very difficult. The artists had to cover their work with tarps during periods of rain and hope all their hard work didn't get washed away. Some artists had to redo portions of their work or even start over.

But they kept on working and I admired the artists for their tenacity and talent. This was my first experience with a chalk art festival and I know it definitely won't be my last!

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. Those chalk photos are amazing!

    Your second grader reads those big books! Kudos to you!

  2. I LOVE THOSE DRAWINGS !!!! So very beautiful works of art, lovely ! That boy reading is so cute and also I like that drink and sweet eating very much.

  3. Just love your photos and the chalk drawings are quite amazing...

  4. Those chalk drawings are amazing!!! Love the orange drink - very creative! I was actually wondering. I know Mormons don't drink coffee but is caffeine is soda permitted? Thanks!

  5. The chalk art is amazing! What a fun festival!

  6. The entire series is just amazingly awesome! Those chalk drawings are so cool!!

  7. Beautiful chalk art! I like your reading shot too: I admire everybody who's into reading.

  8. Super creative with the orange soda bottle!! Really! And the chalk art is so beautiful, so expressive!

  9. I was in Italy one time, and there were chalk artists recreating famous masterpieces on the was simply amaaaaaazing how truly beautiful their artwork was, and with CHALK! Something beautiful indeed! Thanks for joining in on Song-ography.

  10. Hey your art is totally amazing. Love your shots

  11. I love to see young people reading. Our son is a voracious reader and it has served him well. I love your chalk art pics. We went to a "chalkfest" ourselves yesterday downtown. Very talented.

  12. Super set. That chalk art is amazing and yes, truly beautiful. I would have loved to have been there viewing the artists and their work. Thank you for sharing it.

    Wow your son really loves reading. Coleen enjoys it but like I said she hasn't been to into fictional stories so I'm hoping with the new teacher she has this year that will change.

    What a fun and clever idea for the Pumpkin Drink. Did you use stickers for the faces? - Also that Cupcake looks almost "sinful."

  13. The chalk art is beautiful! And that cupcake looks amazing!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. our community also hosts I Madonnari in the Mission Plaza (the second weekend of September). It's one of my favorite art events --- you are correct! the art is amazing! chalk art can be found on my blog under September 2011!
    Your son MUST be an advanced reader... that's a pretty hefty book for someone his age. He looks so comfortable & involved in the printed words. As usual, your photos are stunning!

  16. LOVE it! Wonderful images... I am so thankful your little guy likes reading. It will serve him well life long! Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on Weekly Top Shot #100!

  17. Oh what fun to visit a chalk art festival...amazing pieces. Love that your son loves to read as he does....worlds open up for those that read!!

  18. These are GREAT! I love your take on the pumpkin drink & those chalk drawings are amazing.

  19. Love your fun way of doing the pumpkin drink! That artwork is simply amazing! My son never managed anything like that with the sidewalk chalk when he was just a little boy.

  20. Very creative with the pumpkin drink and I really like something sweet.
