
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday +Song-ography {08.25.13}

Back to School

As my kids step into a new school year, I love to take a picture of the three of them and their new school shoes. We went shoe shopping this week for my kindergartener, who starts school on Tuesday, so here is our "official" back to school shoes picture for the year.

This week was my oldest boy's first day of second grade. So far he LOVES school! Every day he comes home and tells me how much fun he has at school and how much he loves his teacher, his classmates, reading, math and pretty much everything!

Writing Utensil {Colored Pencil Kaleidoscope}

My kids love to color and draw with colored pencils. Though they still use crayons occasionally, it appears we have "graduated" to colored pencils.

Favorite Subject {Bugs and Blooms}

Since my son's favorite subject is "all of them", I decided to show you one of my favorite things to photograph. In case you haven't noticed, I am particularly fond of taking picture of flowers and insects, usually at the same time. I love the challenge of macro photography, and nothing is more challenging than a moving subject!

Lunch {Box}

You may have noticed that I am not a food photographer. I appreciate a lovely photo of delicious food, but can never seem to get mine to turn out like I want them to. So here is a cute little Strawberry Shortcake lunchbox. At our house we use lunchboxes to carry around toys, rather than food!


This weekend was the "Fathers and Sons" camp out. My boys got to go camping with Daddy by themselves. They also got to hang out with a few of their friends and their fathers. They had SO much fun. My hubby sent me this cute picture of our "sleepyheads" in the tent this morning and I thought it was adorable!

Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays

And now on to this week's Song-ography. The song is Summer Wind by Frank Sinatra.

This shot is my best attempt at "summer wind blowin' in from across the sea". This is a picture from our visit to Bear Lake this summer. I couldn't get over the awesome color of the water!

Here is another of an "umbrella sky" from a few years ago when we visited the Great Salt Lake.

Finally, I had to include this cute picture of my little girl at the beach. Not because it has anything to do with the song particularly, (except that she is now sitting alone, the summer wind took her beach buddy away) but because I think she is so darn cute.

I am going to miss the lazy days of summer. We had a glorious time!


  1. Such a fun post. Your little boy looks so excited about starting back to school. Coleen was that way until last year and I'm not sure she's all that excited about going back this year either. She likes school but just not the routine of going everyday.
    You do a fabulous job with the macro's. The one of the bee on the thistle is so lovely.
    Cute shot of your boys on the camping trip.

    Song-ography - Very nice interpretations. I like your Umbrella Sky shot and then you sweet little girl in that cute little beach chair, just so precious.

  2. Lovely photos, each of them ! And those by the seaside are so beautiful and you can feel the warmth and sun thru them.

  3. Oh your crayons and the umbrella picture! <3 I share your feeling about missing the summer. I think this has been the best summer of my life.

  4. The sea and summer wind.. How beautiful photos!

  5. I always love your photos- such beautiful interpretations. I will have to remember the shoe idea when F goes to school. I vividly remember it being a big deal to get back to school shoes so why not photograph them!

  6. The recreation pic made me giggle. I love the bugs & bees shots!!

  7. I love the pop of color with the beach umbrella, and that butterfly is just lovely. Glad the back to school process has been smooth! We'll be doing it this week!

  8. Beautiful photos!! I love how you have managed to make even a lunch box look beautiful!

  9. I am not ready for summer to be over . Great set for SHS and Song-0graphy your little one isa cutie.

  10. These are so fun - yes, I'm going to miss summer too.....

  11. These are all so great! I really love the pencils! And the back to school shoes!

  12. Great pic of your son. I love to hear it when kids find school fun. I love the colored pencils and the umbrella at the Great Salt Lake also, and... I love all your photographs. Nice post.

  13. I really like the composition and pop of color in the umbrella shot. Ah "The Summer Wind"... Sure wish it would stick around a lot longer! :). Thanks for joining in on Song-ography.

  14. So sweet! Love your first day of school pictures :D

  15. Love the back to school pics! The colored pencils look gorgeous!!

  16. The umberella picture at the Great Salt Lake brings back many childhood memories. It's been years since I have been out there!

  17. are those homemade pillowcases? the only reason I ask, is that the fabric is so adorable. Robots! Did you notice how many of your pics include a rainbow of color?

  18. Love the new shoes shot!

  19. Awe - primary school -- boy do I miss those days (something I never thought I'd hear myself say or think) and the lunch boxes - I still have a stack on the bench in the mud-room. Nicely done on both memes.

  20. Love the school shoe idea!! Your son looks so excited about school. It's great!! Your photos are wonderful!

  21. These are so cute- always a busy time with BTS. Your DOF on the writing utensils is fabulous. You always have such great takes on each prompt.

  22. Beautiful shots. I like colored pencils the best also.

  23. Great set! The shot of the lunch box is fabulous!

  24. The first day of school always gave me a stomach ache - glad your son is happy to go!
