
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to School

Today was the first day of school for my oldest boy, who is in second grade this year. I can't believe I have a second grader!

Jonah was SO excited to go to school today. I honestly can't say that I shared his enthusiasm.

Typically by the time school rolls around, I am ready to send my kids off to school and get back to our routine. This year was the first time that I felt like summer was a bit too short. Can't school start in a few weeks? Like September?

But whether I am ready for it or not, summer is over. We are officially back to school! Here is my "back to school feet" picture to prove it.

I don't know why, but I love to take a picture of my kids feet as they start a new school year. It is amazing to see how much they have grown. Check out last year's picture!

My boys changed positions, but their sister is in the same spot (obviously). I will have to take a picture like this again next week because Eli will have on his new school shoes to start Kindergarten! Wow!

I am happy to report that Jonah had a fabulous first day of school. We met him at his classroom at the end of the day and he was SO excited to tell me about all the fun things that he did today.

He told me he loves his teacher and he has friends in class and he is going to love second grade. It makes me happy when my kids are happy at school!

What a handsome kid. No wonder the girls chase him around during recess!

5 Minutes for Mombabybabylemon
Better in BulkLive and Love...Out Loud
In the Moment with Sarah Halstead

Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.


  1. Yay! Happy First Day of School! Love those Hallmark frames as well!

  2. Good luck for a great school year. The 'feet' shots are too dear.

  3. Happy first day to him!! Love that big smile!

  4. Love the idea of taking a picture of their feet! I remember when my brother and I got older, he would grow a whole shoe size in a school year.

  5. I am so glad he has a great day! I love your feet shot. I would love for you to link this post to my Back to School Traditions link up

  6. Oh my goodness, isn't it amazing how quickly they lose that baby quality?!?! I noticed how long and lean your daughter became! I'm not looking forward to that growth in my two-year-old this year...

    Carmen @ Adventures of the Triple B's

  7. LOVE the feet pic. It does show their growth...but also it focuses on them stepping out for a new experience! I never, ever, ever wanted summers or school vacations to end when my kids were little. I love every lazy, non-scheduled, let's see what happens day I ever had with them!! Good luck to your 'big' boy - he looks so alert and eager and ready for a new challenge!!

  8. I really love the feet pic! I am glad he is loving school!
