
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday +Song-ography {08.18.13}

This week has been so busy getting ready for school to start that I was sure would not have time to complete this week's Scavenger Hunt. Then I realized I have hundreds of unshared photos from the past couple of weeks. So while I get ready for school to start this week, here are some photos from last week as well as the past few.

Sky {Cloudy Day, Starry Night}

I love the end of summer afternoons, when the clouds build up and roll across the sky. I also love the occasional thunderstorms that cool things off just a little and make the world smell wonderful.

While we were camping in Idaho, I was awed by the starry sky. I was kicking myself because I forgot to bring my tripod, but luckily my Dad brought a little one. So I used it to take some absolutely gorgeous pictures of the star-filled sky.

Accessory {Smile}

A smile is a girl's best accessory.
This is my little girl and her sunny smile. She is definitely the sunshine of our lives!

Verb {Sleeping}

I loved watching all the bees and butterflies that we spotted while camping in the mountains of Idaho. One evening the sun was setting and I thought all the insects had gone to bed. Then I spotted this little guy hanging under a flower, fast asleep.

Here is my little flower, snoozing in her sleeping bag as the morning sun came through the walls of our tent.

Transparent {Brother Bear}

While visiting the zoo this week, we discovered a baby grizzly bear asleep with one of his paws against the plexiglass of his enclosure. I couldn't resist comparing his paw with that of my oldest boy.

Tiny {Wings}

Photographing insects can be so challenging, especially when you are not using a tripod! They are so little and move so quickly. This is another picture from our Idaho camping trip, and I think this is one of the best bee pictures I have ever taken!

Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays

This week's song is "Born to Run" by Bruce Springsteen. I don't know about you, but when I think about being "born to run", I think about powerful muscle cars (which I believe the song calls, "chrome-wheeled, fuel-injected suicide machines"). So here are some of my favorite shots from a car show this summer.

Last week I admitted that I was not familiar with the song choice because it was a bit before my time. Kathy commented on my post and said, " Hopefully you'll recognize this week's song better, it's a bit more recent than "Both Sides Now"!".

Well, sorry Kathy! Though it is a bit more recent, this Springsteen song was released in 1975... which is still before I was born (though not by too much). Lest you think I know nothing at all about music, of course I have heard of Bruce Springsteen (who hasn't?).

So I hate to admit it, but this is another song that I had not ever really listened to before. But at the very least I should thank Kathy for widening my music horizons and introducing me some classic rock!


  1. Holy moly girl, you are young! :). But a classic is timeless, so I'm glad u know it now :). Next weeks song is REALLY old...older than ME, lol. Ahhh the Mustang, I use to have one...before you were born :). Thanks for joining in on the old timers edition of Song-ography. I will make an effort to look for a song title more recent in the near future, suggestions are always welcome too!

  2. That starry night shot is AMAZING, the bear-paw/hand - too adorable and you did an excellent job with the bee photos (I'm almost always hand-held, so that could explain my lack-luster insect shots).

    And the car details for this week's tune - exactly!

    (you are a babe though - just saying!!) LOL!

  3. What enchanting photographs! Love all of them (the children are precious!), but I think the sky with stars is my favorite. It is so difficult to get the correct settings for a sky like that. So impressed!!

  4. Love old cars soooo much and still miss my 1967 Mercury Cougar. What fun I had running in that!

  5. Those stars - oh wow wow wow!

    Love the old cars!!

  6. looks like you had a great camping trip! The night sky is amazing!

  7. These are all so wonderful but the one that really got me was transparent!

  8. These are all fantastic. I love the little boy napping. Sort of makes me want to grab a teddy and take a nap in the afternoon air myself.

  9. Great shots - love the night sky!

  10. Love the car shots! I learned to drive with a little white Mustang. Visiting you from Song-ography.

  11. LOVE your set this week! Wonderful job!

  12. Wonderful set for the hunt. - Really enjoyed all your shots. The Night Sky was so cool, I can't seem to get decent night shots with my camera, not sure what I'm doing wrong. Transparent was so neat, what a great comparison between the bear and your child's hand/paw. Loved the sleeping bee too.

    Songography - Perfect choices for those "suicide" machines. Loved the Cobra.

  13. Love your starry sky! And what a beautiful smile. I like also your interpretation of transparent.

  14. Those skies in Idaho are really beautiful...lovely images this week.

  15. I wish I was "too young" to remember these songs. Next week is Frank Sinatra - I bet even your mother is too young to remember that song. Your tiny wings shot is super!

  16. Beautiful shots! Love the two sky shots and the bees.

  17. Hmm. ... not yet born in 1975. Hard for me to imagine since I graduated high school in 1973! :)
    Lovely shots, I especially like the two bee photos. For me, the previous one (yellow flowers) is perfection.

    Lynne @ a "new" Jersey Girl

  18. Oh my goodness...the baby paw is just precious. What a great shot!!

  19. That night sky is gorgeous! And I love your shot for transparent!

  20. You did a wonderful job....ALL your pictures are beautiful and fit the word so well!!!

  21. Wonderful set of pictures HM. The starry night and nature pictures are great. Love the colors and details you captured on the insects.

    I like your smile as an accessory idea. What a sweet child.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  22. Love your photos. Good luck getting ready for school.

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. Great set as always I just love the accessory picture. The V8 shot is awesome!

  24. The night sky, and transparent images are absolutely wonderful. I haven't posted anything is almost a month. I think that is a record for me. I think I'm a bout ready to jump back into the blogging pool. Maybe next Sunday.

  25. Your kids are very cute and your bee shots awesome! PLUS I love your starry night photo. Well done!!
