
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {07.21.13}: The Cool Edition

This week's Scavenger Hunt was all about keeping cool in spite of the heat of summer. So pull up a chair and a cool drink and relax for a bit!

Cooler Colors

Originally for this prompt I was going to take a picture of a bunch of different colored popsicles, which would definitely be "cool colors"! Hehe. Instead you get a glimpse of a small part of my embroidery floss collection. These are some of the ones that belong to the cool color family.


If you search hard enough, you can still find ladybugs on the leaves of our trees!

This afternoon I was trying to get a picture of leaf shaped bokeh with the light filtering through the leaves on our trees. Capturing shaped bokeh was much harder than I remembered and this is the best picture I could come up with.

Iced Beverage

This week I got out my star-shaped ice cube trays just for fun (and for this prompt!). My kids love having fun ice cubes in their drinks!

Cooling Off

What better way is there to cool off than to enjoy an ice cold Popsicle?

Or taking a dip in the swimming pool will definitely keep you cool. We just finished up our last session of swimming lessons and this time Jonah passed! He was so excited!


I don't even know if these berries are edible, but in any case they are definitely raw!

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. Love your wonderful collection of summer things and I love your photos..I cannot believe I posted a ladybug post and then there you are with that cool pic of a lady bug..the babies are pretty sweet too...

  2. Beautiful pictures! The Popsicle one is so vibrant! :)

  3. What a great idea for cool colors...popsicles....but your embroidery thread makes a very pretty picture! Who'd have thought?! Love your "raw"...don't think those look edible, but they make a very appealing shot! I want some of those ice cube trays! Cute, cute, cute!!Great job, as always!

  4. Gorgeous pictures! The colours are cool in every sense of the word. Love the leaves too - and the ladybug.

  5. Love that ladybug picture, that awesome bokeh and those super cool ice cubes!

  6. Great shots. I particularly liked the floss and the lady bug.

  7. These are so fun! Love the colored thread! Have a (cooler) week!

  8. Your floss collection makes for a beautiful photo. Very cool indeed! Your popsicle shot is so very summery.

  9. Love the star shaped ice cubes. Fun. And Jonah looking so happy-priceless!

  10. These really made me summer-smile. Thank you for sharing :)

  11. Beautiful photography, such clear beautiful, full of wonderful color images. Your little ones happy smile is priceless....and fyi, that is an Oregon Grape Holly, not sure if it is edible.

  12. Neat set of shots today, Honey Mommy! I see lady bugs everytime the Rancher and I go out and check the corn. I have not been able to get a picture of one ... yet.

    The shirt your little girl has on is cute and your son has a great smile.

    The shot of the Oregon Grape Holly is great.

  13. Lovely summer shots! Your post is so full of bright, summery colors!

  14. These are all wonderful! I'm certainly jealous of the bokeh shot. I'd love to learn how to do that.

  15. Wonderful set. You have quite the collection of embroidery floss and it's very pretty.
    Your kiddo's shots were so cute. The one of your little girl's outfit would fit in perfectly for the (Song-ography) prompt too.
    Absolutely loved the shaped bokeh, how did you do that?
    My favorite shot - The Oregon Grape, the colors in this shot are so pretty.

  16. a GREAT, colorful set!! and jonah, really, so handsome!!

  17. Great set of photos!

  18. hmmm... I looked at this post last week and never left a comment...
    I like your take on cooler colors. The little ladybug is cute. Those berries are most interesting!
