
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday +Song-ography {08.04.13}

These Little Piggies

I am not much of a girly-girl, so painting my toenails was not something I did on a regular basis... until Miss Aubrey came along! She LOVES to have her toenails painted and insists that Mommy paint her toenails too. I guess she's right; it does look fantastic!

Weeds on Wednesday

Wednesday evening I went on a walk around the block after the kids went to bed. I found these lovely little weeds that have gone to seed. I didn't know if I would be able to snap a picture, since the sun had set and it was getting dark. Thank goodness my Canon 6D is amazing!


I love the guitar. I took lessons in college, but haven't played in a long time. Now that I got my guitar out to take this picture, I should get back to practicing!

Guess What it is

Can you guess what these are? My only hint is that I pulled them off a tree.

Mirror Image

Not too far from our house is a beat-up, old vehicle we call the pumpkin truck. It has been sitting in this field for as long as I remember. I actually took a picture of this truck for Scavenger Hunt Sunday two years ago when I first started participating in this photo challenge. So I revisited the truck and took this picture from a different viewpoint.

I took the cutest picture of Eli this week, and I knew it was perfect for Kathy's new Song-ography photo challenge. The song title for this week was "Lean on Me".

Lean on me
when you're not strong,
and I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on

Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. Is there ANYTHING more precious than the face of a sleeping child? If only we could go thru life being comforted by the simplicity of leaning on a beloved stuffed animal. Sigh :). Thanks for joining in on Song-ography this week!

  2. Aw, so sweet and snuggly!! Love the guitar picture!

  3. Too cute that little one all snuggly!! Love that mirror shot-and double love the polish color

  4. Being a mom of ALL boys, those cute little toes are definitely my favorite! :)

  5. is that an acorn seed pod? never seen one like this...
    I do remember that blue truck. Love this angle... looking into the side view mirror.

    1. Good guess Christine!

      They are actually just green acorns that I pulled from a tree. They look strange because they aren't brown yet. They are acorns from a bur oak, which is why they have that strange, hairy fringe.

  6. Outstanding job on both the hunt and songography. Your little one sleeping with his stuffed toy is so precious. Just loved your body parts shots (snazzy toes) and also the Mirror image shot.

  7. Love the truck...I love old trucks! Sleeping boy is adorable and I love those little toesies too!

  8. what a great set for shs and your image for songography is perfection!! such a cutie!!

  9. hi Honey your blog name!! Your "lean on me" photo is just adorable! Your scavenger hunt Sunday photos are just spot have inspired me to give it a try next week!

  10. Well first off, you get my prize for the best song-ography pic. Reminds me of when my son was little and sweet. I love your guitar string shot. I guess that you strummed it or something to get the effect.

    Great post.

  11. wonderful photos! Those little piggies are the cutest! How sweet is Eli?!
    the "guess what" is so intriguing. I would have said some kind of seed pod and then I read your response above.

  12. OMG..there is his cute. OMG. I love those little piggies...I would love paining toes if I had a daughter...maybe it would be motivation to make my toes look better too. Great idea with the mirror image.

  13. Gorgeous set, once again. The first and the last are simply adorable.
