
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

It seems safe to say that the dog days of summer are upon us. The humidity has risen so that it is hot and muggy, which makes it much less enjoyable to be outside. But when you have little kids, you make do!

The boys have swimming lessons, but they don't really get to play around much and poor Miss Aubrey has to just watch from the side of the pool. So after lessons the other day we went to the pond.

We had not visited the pond this year, and I forgot how much fun it is for the kids. We have been to several splash pads, but you can't really dig at a splash pad.

They had so much fun playing in the water and digging in the sand, and I got to sit in the shade under my umbrella and enjoy the breeze.

Of course the kids were sandy and filthy, so I had to give them baths when we got home. But it was worth it for a relaxing day of fun in the sun!

5 Minutes for Mombabybabylemon
Better in BulkLive and Love...Out Loud
In the Moment with Sarah Halstead

Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.


  1. I didn't think Utah ever got humid. :) We are heading there to camp next week. I'm excited.

    1. You are right, Angie! It probably isn't very humid here compared to other parts of the country, but it is muggier than usual. We like our dry heat, you know!

  2. Fun! I grew up at the beach, we endured cold hose showers after each trip to get the sand off us before reentering the house!

  3. Looks like they had a blast! Kids love digging, don't they? :)

  4. my son would love it... he absolutely LOVES to dig ...
