
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {07.21.13}:
The Camping Edition

This weekend my little family went camping together for the first time! Here are some pictures from our trip.


When I woke up bright and early this morning, the clouds covered the sky like a camouflage fabric.

Of course there were lots of interesting bugs to be found while we were camping. This beetle likes to hide in the shadows, so his color is the perfect camouflage.


We saw several squirrels while we were camping, but none close enough for me to get a picture. So here is a picture of some acorns that we gathered last year. I bet the squirrels would have loved them!


The boys were excited to find some really cool shells while we were walking around. The shells were all very much alike, but the boys know which ones are theirs!

I also think that all pine cones look alike, don't you?


As far as I can tell, the wings on this butterfly are identical to one other.


Of course if you are going camping, you have to go hiking! The above picture is from when the boys and Daddy took off up a hill near our campsite in the evening. The next morning we all went on a hike together.

Our morning hike was a little more challenging than I expected. The boys loved it, but Miss Aubrey was not too enthused. So she and I ended up going back down the trail a little sooner than the boys. Miss Aubrey was so tired that she actually fell asleep in my arms as I was walking down the trail!


  1. Aww poor Miss Aubrey. Camping can be tough on little ones.

    Great pictures and pretty campsite.

  2. How fun! Great job with the words and what an adventure for the kiddos - camping was a favorite outing when I was a kid (not as much once I became an adult - the spoils of air conditioning!!!). Enjoy your Sunday.

  3. Wow, what a great camping trip checking out nature and everything that is going on. Love the hiking pics.

  4. I love that picture of the acorns! I have this thing for acorns...not sure why I do but I just love them. Looks like you all had a great camping trip! Fun!

  5. Fabulous quintessential shots of summer... Thanks for sharing on WTS!

  6. Lovin' this post...great job on the prompts!!

  7. What a fun weekend!! The acorns are such a great shot!!

  8. lovely set! i love the acorns :)

  9. I think you did a great job with the prompts.
    I like the Acorn shot and yes squirrels love them.
    Ah your hike sounded fun but also tiring and your sweet little girl just looked tuckered out.

  10. Terrific shots, and looks like a fun trip!

  11. I almost didn't participate this week because I thought the prompts were so difficult. You made it look so easy! Great job!

  12. Fabulous shots! Looks like you had fun camping.

  13. Beautiful photos. What a great adventure for your children.

  14. Looks like a wonderful weekend and good weather!

  15. Looks like a great family outing!

  16. The sky is great! It looks like sheeps' wool!

  17. You did so well with these prompts! They just stumped me! Looks like you had a wonderful camping trip. I remember camping as a child and really love the night sounds as I tried to do to sleep each night.
