
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Racing in the Rain
Adventure/Green {Nurture Photography Challenge}

When we heard our neighboring town was having a soap box derby as part of it's city celebration, we knew that we had to go! My boys were so excited to see the hand-made cars zoom down the hill.

Unfortunately when we went on Saturday we found out the event was cancelled due to "possible inclement weather". What a bummer, especially since it was gorgeous outside that day! The event was rescheduled for Tuesday evening.

Can you guess what the weather was like on Tuesday this week?

Yep! It was POURING. I almost didn't drive over to the derby course because I thought for sure they would not hold the even in the rain. We even saw lightening and heard thunder! But my boys were sad when it was cancelled the first time, so I didn't want to miss it if by chance they did have the derby.

And wouldn't you know it, those crazies did hold the soapbox derby in the rain!

We sat in the van for a while, waiting to see if they were really going to go through with it. I was just about ready to leave when we saw a couple of cars coming down the hill.

So we went outside in the rain to watch. Good thing we brought an umbrella and wore our rain jackets!

Usually in a soapbox derby they send the cars down the hill two at a time and eliminate the losers until they have a winner. This time they only sent down one car at a time, probably because it might not be safe to send down two at once with the wet road.

My boys still had a great time watching the fun and funky derby cars go down the hill. My seven-year-old is convinced that he needs to build a car so that next year he can compete in the derby!

The cars have brakes and you can steer them, so I guess I am mostly ok with it if he wants to drive a derby car. But I don't think I would have let him go down the hill in the rain!

Here is the car that Jonah liked the most. Doesn't it look speedy?

I guess we will have to see if Daddy has enough time to help Jonah build a cool, fast derby car. I was a little sad for the competitors because I know the event didn't turn out like they wanted it to. Hopefully next year they don't end up racing in the rain again!

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Fridayfriday favorite things | finding joythe long road


  1. I've never seen a real, live soapbox derby, but they look like so much fun! I love that they kept going in the rain. :)

  2. It looks like tons of fun! I'll bet they race in more than one Derby.

  3. That's a fun adventure...even in the rain!

  4. That looks like sooo much fun! Lucky kiddos!

  5. Oh it looks like the kids are having fun despite the rain! My son would love to do something like that :)

    Thanks for taking part in the Nurture Photography Challenge!

  6. What a fun adventure! I kinda hope your little boy will participate in next year's race! How fun would that be?!? :)

    Thanks for joining us in the Nurture Photography Challenge! I can't wait to see what you come up with for our new theme: Red/Treat. Have a great weekend! :)
