
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer Swimming Lessons

No summer is complete without a session (or two) of swimming lessons!

Swimming is such an important skill for kids to learn. I want my kids to be comfortable in the water and able to handle themselves if they unexpectedly find themselves in deep water. So every year in the summer I make it a point to sign the boys up for swimming lessons.

Besides which, my boys absolutely LOVE it! We just started our second session of swimming lessons and I am so proud of my little fishies.

I love that my boys are not afraid to put their heads under water. In many ways they are better swimmers than their mommy is, which is fine by me. Maybe they inherited their swimming abilities from Honey Daddy, who was on the swim team in high school (my high school didn't even have a swim team!).

I love to sit by the edge of the pool and watch them learn. After all, they are so stinking cute!

5 Minutes for Mombabybabylemon
Better in BulkLive and Love...Out Loud
In the Moment with Sarah Halstead

Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.


  1. Looks like they really enjoy the lessons! I think it's important for kids to learn how to swim at an early age.

  2. I really have to find somewhere that gives swimming lessons. I am petrified of the water myself because of having a wave go over my head when I was just a little kid and I have obviously not gotten over the fear. I can get in the water, but I have a hard time putting my head under (your kids seem to do well) and I have to be where I can touch the bottom of the pool or I panic.
    By the way, I just love the last shot.
    Would love for you to stop by and share

  3. My dad was a lifeguard and taught us how to swim when we were pretty young, in a lake of all places! Swim lessons are so important!

  4. Simple childhood past time! Good for them!!

  5. Swimming is something EVERYONE should learn and too often overlook. We have a pool so my children were taught from infancy on - they were also taught to never underestimate the danger of water regardless of how well they "think" they can swim. Great shots from the pool side.

  6. Summer lessons are always so much fun!!!!

  7. Awww... such a cute freckly face!
