
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Beat the Heat!

With unusually high temperatures that have been hitting the triple digits, we have been trying to find ways to beat the heat around here! I do love summer, but it makes it hard to go outside and do much when it is SO dang hot. This morning we decided to get out of the house EARLY so we could have some fun. We decided to go check out the recently completed Murdock Canal Trail, which is not too far from our house. I thought it would be fun for the boys to get to ride their scooters somewhere new, and Miss Aubrey is always up for a ride in the stroller!

 The views on the trail were absolutely gorgeous! The boys really loved checking out some new terrain and decided that next time they want to bring their bikes. I got in a little exercise (bonus!) and Miss Aubrey enjoyed her ride.

We were out for about an hour, but by the time we got back to the van we were dripping with sweat. I guess next time we will have to go out at 7am instead of 8am to beat the heat!

One of my sanity-savers this summer has been our 8 foot snap-set pool. The boys have had so much fun playing in the water together and practicing the skills they learned at our first session of swimming lessons.

The pool has also really helped Miss Aubrey become comfortable with the water! At the beginning of the summer she wasn't so sure she liked getting splashed, but now she is a little fish (and a cute one at that!)

Is it hot in your neighborhood? What have you been doing to beat the heat?

5 Minutes for Mombabybabylemon
Better in BulkLive and Love...Out Loud
In the Moment with Sarah Halstead

Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.


  1. Glad you're staying cool! I remember the days on end in the pool as a kid!

  2. LOVE your pics!! and looks like you're having a great summer so far! :)

  3. See this is exactly why I live in Maine! I can be outside all summer long (well, unless it's raining). I think I would melt in triple digit weather. :)

    Great shots though. Looks like a lot of fun!

  4. Yeah, I know about hot. It was 84 degrees this morning at 6:00 am. I am not looking forward to 111 today. Yes, the key is to get out early, and stay inside the rest of the day. Love the kids in the pool, that helps too.

  5. Looks like you've figured out the perfect way to beat the heat! It's been stifling here, too - we've been hanging out in the rooms of the house that have window A/C to stay cool - since we're moving next month we decided not to set up the pool this year. :)

    Princess Nagger's Portal Obsession

  6. I wish we had a pool so nice in summer, love your pics.


  7. It's been strangely not super hot here. Although it's just 8am and I almost melted when I went out to drop #1 off at swimming. Of course on the day we have to be outside all day!

  8. It's been hot and humid here in NH, in the 90's, but nothing like what you're enduring out west!
    Hope it cools off soon.

    Thanks for linking up for WW :)

