
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {06.30.13}


I didn't have any good ideas for this prompt and almost ended up taking a picture of my crochet hooks or something. Then my kids and I went to visit my college friend Stacy on Saturday. Her husband had a bunch of really old tools that were his great-grandfathers. So I took a picture of them instead!


This week it got so HOT (we are talking over 100°) that I decided it would be a good time to get out our little swimming pool. The kids loved it and had SO much fun! My two boys thought the best part was having water fights and flinging water at each other (Among other things! See the measuring cup in midair?).


My little girl loves berries! One morning I went and picked strawberries for her breakfast fresh from our strawberry patch. She kept eating them just as quickly as I could take the stems off, all the while saying "That good berries! More berries, please!" So I grabbed my camera and took this picture. It wasn't until later that I realized her pajama shirt said "Sweet" right on it- score!


I thought a ladybug would be perfect for this prompt, but we haven't seen many on our ladybug tree lately. Luckily I managed to find this little guy on the tree and then I put him on the driveway and followed him until I got this shot. I think it is the best ladybug macro I have ever taken!


I have lots of striped paper, but I figured that was too boring. So I decided to try to get a water droplet in front of the paper and see how it turned out. I LOVE it!

Linked to Sunday Snapshot and


  1. So many great shots this week! My favorites are the old tools, motion and stripes! I must learn how to do that, but I am missing one key ingredient I think...tripod or monopod.

  2. Wow! That last shot really is amazing!

  3. Fantastic job with the prompts this week. Each one is just wonderful. Those old tools were really neat. I don't think I've ever seen a wrench like that one. The Ladybug Macro is awesome. Sweet was so sweet and how cool was it that she had on that shirt!
    Absolutely loved your Stripes shot!

  4. I love old tools. I just love the way they look after so many years of use and handling. I love your lady but, motion and the stripes is awesome.

  5. Your sweet shot is really sweet! Love the old tools and the water drop ----Awesome!!!!

  6. Oh my, great as always but the stripes photo is utterly incredible :D

  7. Love "Stripes". Very creative. Have a blessed week.

  8. Well done on each of these - absolute favorites are the boys in motion (miss those days) and your take on stripes - excellent!

  9. These are all amazing! Love the stripes and the water motion - I felt cooled off looking at it!! Stay cool!!

  10. Awesome stripes, fantastic ladybug, and very sweet sweet!

  11. amazing job on the stripes!! Love the first two shots as well. Happy week to you.

  12. Such great summer shots! I love the old tools, I have a few of my grandfathers. Why didn't I think of that for this prompt?? The water scene looks really good and so cool, it's rather hot here also! Love, love, love the stripes. Stunning!

  13. wowzer...that last shot is great. I need to try that sometime. Great line-up this week, so very summertime!!

  14. Your stripe shot is dazzling and perfect!

  15. These are fabulous shots! I think I love the dots and stripes shots the best though. :)

  16. all your shots are amazing... that stripes is my favorite & of course, the ladybug dots!

  17. Great stripes shot, very creative!

  18. Such a great set - love those old tools and the close up on the lady bug!

  19. Those tools!!!! And the water drop is nothing short of brilliant.

  20. The stripe picture is amazing! Love your creative idea. I also like your double dose of sweet.

    Ranch Wife Robyn
