
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {07.07.13}

I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July!


I got out my macro lens and played around with some red glitter. I love how easy it is to make a lovely red glitter bokeh!


Yesterday I got up really early to attend the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Provo Utah. It was spectacular! I love watching the crews inflate the balloons and then send them up into the air. Here is a beautiful patriotic balloon surrounded by white clouds.


I took hundreds of pictures of the hot air balloons, so I had a really hard time choosing which ones to share! I will definitely share more of my favorites later this week, but for now here are some of the balloons up in the pale blue sky.


My tripod was all set up and ready; so while we were waiting for the fireworks to start, the boys and I experimented with sparklers and longer shutter speeds. I drew the stars, and my seven-year-old just kept pushing the shutter button for me. I think it turned out pretty cool!

Speaking of cool, here is a star that is on the very top of one of the hot air balloons. I was standing right next to the basket, looking up. Doesn't it look like a stained glass window?


This is one of my favorite fireworks pictures from this year! Last year I was disappointed that my pictures didn't turn out well. I thought I knew what settings to use, but apparently I was wrong! This year I refreshed my memory and read up on it before we went to the fireworks and the results were much better!

Linked to Sunday Snapshot and


  1. I didn't know there was a hot air balloon festival in Provo! Those are fabulous shots. Love the glitter too!

  2. Fantastic. I have always wanted to go to a hot air balloon festival but it's a fairly long distance and the crowds are so big that I've never made it. I love your pictures.

  3. These are amazing! I love all the hot air balloons!!

  4. Very nice photo set. The balloons are wonderful. Props to your sparkler star painter! Very nicely done. Have a blessed day.

  5. Gorgeous photos! Love the hot air balloons.

  6. Oh what great pictures. Your start turned out fantastic and I love the fireworks... oh and the balloon of course.

  7. Wonderful set! The hot air balloons bring back such fun memories, and your captures are fabulous. Great star as well!

  8. Awesome set I love the fireworks shot too. I am going to have to try the sparkler shot sometime.

  9. Oh cool, everyone!! But I LOVE that red,white&blue balloon...totally American and perfect for the 4th of July!!

  10. Hot air balloon pictures are so dreamy! I need to find a festival. :)
    Great fireworks shot!!

  11. Beautiful. That star shot is awesome.

  12. These are fabulous shots! Love the hot air balloon ones. I went to a festival here in Thailand with hot air balloons and it was too cool to see them change from flat balloons to flying high in the sky. I also LOVE the star photo with the sparkler! Too fun! :)

  13. Lovely set of pictures, HM! I would love to take a Hot Air Balloon ride. Your fire works and start picture are very neat. Looks like you had fun week!

  14. Super set this week. - That sparkly red glitter is so pretty.
    Love your Hot Air Balloon shots. I think they are such beautiful things to see in the sky.
    Both your star shots were fantastic and so was your fireworks shot. So this week I'm going with all of them as my favorites!

  15. Awesome balloons, what fun! Love that star!

  16. These are all beautiful shots! I just love the balloon shots. There's a balloon festival near me that I've never attended. I'm going to have to try and make that a priority this year.

  17. Your hot air balloon and fireworks images are awesome! :)

  18. Beautiful patriotic images! I've only had one change to capture balloons and that day it was too windy for a lift off! I got some shots while they were blowing them up, but nothing like the gorgeous ones you captured in flight! Love you sparkler star and your red, white, and blue fireworks!

  19. the top of the balloon DOES look like a stained-glass window. Would you mind sharing the info about your macro lens? I'm trying to decide if I should get a macro or a something better than the zoom lens that came with my camera? I'm so tempted to get the macro.

  20. Wow those hot air balloons are amazing! Coming back as a follower after noticing you weren't on my follow list anymore! I always enjoyed reading your blog in the past :)
