
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {6•02•13}: Week in Pictures


Yesterday I rode my bike in the Little Red Riding Hood ride in Cache County, UT. It was a beautiful day for a ride and I had a great time riding with my friends. We rode 100 miles in a little over 6 hours! This is a picture my husband took of me yesterday.


Earlier this week while out on a walk with my kids, I spotted these little green berries. I have no idea what kind of berries they turn out to be, but they were on bushes with white berries, and I though they looked really cool.


This is a picture of my kid's feet on the last day of school. I don't know why, but I love pictures like this! I took one just like it on the first day of school last year and it is kind of a tradition now.

{linked to Macro Monday}
Now that I have been looking at my tree for baby ladybugs, they have apparently become easier for me to spot elsewhere. Here is a ladybug larva that I found on a bush while out on a walk with the kids. He had settled in for the evening, so I was able to get a nice picture.


Here are some pretty flowers that I also found while out walking. I knew I wouldn't have much time to get my hunt done this week, since we are preparing for vacation and I spent my whole day Saturday out riding my bike.

This is an adorable picture of my little girl at the splash pad on Memorial day. I already posted it this week, but she is so cute I had to post it again. Besides, I don't think very many people looked at that post anyway!

Linked to Sunday Snapshot &


  1. oh good for you that you still ride bikes! I gave up years ago!

  2. Wow! One hundred miles, that's great. Love your micro and bokeh. Your kids are adorable!

  3. Way to go with the ride! I know people who did a 100 mile ride here yesterday!
    Love the feet picture!

  4. Congrats on your 100 mile bike ride. The feet picture is a neat idea for a new family tradition. Looks like you still have lots of spring blooms to enjoy and photograph.


  5. Well done on your bike riding - awe, I remember the day when I would bike (was murder on my one knee - but boy was it great at the time). I absolutely love your 'perspective' shot - I enjoy these types of pictures as well - neat tradition.

  6. Wow that's a LONG bike ride!! Your pictures are awesome (:

  7. Congrats on your 100 mile bike ride, quite an accomplishment. Your children's feet are adorable and what a way to begin and end a school year. Great set and hope you have a great vacation!!

  8. I'm still stuck on the fact you rode 100 miles. Impressive! Love the feet photo and that last photo is worthy of a repeat blog appearance!

  9. Wow! I'm very impressed by your bike ride. And I love those cute little feet. :)

  10. Great set. Wow 100 Mile bike ride, Way to Go!
    Darling Shot of your little girl at the Splash Pad & I thought the shot of your kids feet was fun and clever.
    Those green berries were really pretty.

  11. 100 miles, woohoo! Hope it was great day!! And your kids are super cute!

  12. Congrats on the 100 miles!! Love the shots of your kids feet and the darling little one in the splash pad!! Looks like you found quite a few treasures on your walks, love the macro images!

  13. HUGE congrats to you for your ride- totally impressed.

  14. Great captures! Love the bokeh shots. I am so amazed at your bike riding. I could never do that. The feet shot is a lot of fun. The last shot is certainly my favorite! She is adorable.
