
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day at the Splash Pad

When Memorial Day rolled around I found myself looking for something fun to do with the kids. It seems that all the swimming pools and splash pads open on Memorial Day weekend, so I decided we would go get wet. In the end I chose to go to the splash pad because it is free, but even more important is that the splash pad is safer than the pool so I can enjoy myself without having to constantly watch all three kids by myself.

My kids love to go to the splash pad. One of the two splash pads nearby has a really fun fountain as well as a little "river" running through it. It was a little windy, but not cold. We got there when it opened, so we almost had the place to ourselves!

My boys are fearless, so they were splashing in the fountain and river within minutes. My little girl wasn't so sure about the whole thing, though she was happy to be wearing the swimsuit she helped me pick out this week because she likes the "zebra pants".

Her older brother tried to help her into the river and get her to play, but she didn't go for it. She ran all around the splash pad, but didn't actually get wet for the longest time. Then they turned the water off.

It is a routine procedure, they turn the water off for 5-10 minutes every hour. When most of the water had drained my little girl started to explore the river area. She climbed on the rocks and had a fabulous time!

Before long the water came back on, but Miss Aubrey was comfortable enough by then to keep playing in the water. Her older brother even got her to sit in it!

They had a great time playing in the water! I had so much fun watching them enjoy the water.

Someone let Aubrey play with a bucket they brought, and she had a great time filling it with water from the river and then dumping it out. She even tried to fill the bucket at the fountain, but found that to be a little more tricky.

She may not have gotten completely wet like her brothers, but she found her own way to enjoy the splash pad.

I plan to incorporate water play into our regular summer schedule, so we will probably visit one of the splash pads or pools each week. I am sure by the end of the summer my boys will not be the only ones who are soaking wet!

5 Minutes for Mombabybabylemon
Better in BulkLive and Love...Out LoudIn the Moment with Sarah Halstead

Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.


  1. Looks like your kids had a great time. There's a splash pad where I live and my kids enjoyed going there when they were younger. I think it's a fun thing for kids to do, with the exception that sometimes it can get a little crowded.

  2. That looks like such a fun place! I love that it's free! Our local splash pad is not only costly, but it's we've only been a handful of times in the years we've lived here. I shouldn't complain, neighborhood has a pool. It's just too freezing to use it yet!
