
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {06.09.13}:
The Tucson Vacation Edition


My little girl has been having a fabulous time on vacation at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Arizona. She is especially enjoying the play dishes that grandma got for her. Miss Aubrey discovered that her great grandpa is a fun playmate!


There are many plants here in the desert that will "stick" you if you get too close. That kind of makes them "sticky", right?

Favorite Color

I couldn't choose my favorite photo for this prompt, so you get two photos. My favorite color of prickly pear cactus is definitely purple!

We went and played in Patagonia Lake and I managed to captures some really awesome shots of dragonflies, which was impressive because I didn't have my macro lens with me! My favorite color of all the dragonflies we saw were the bright blue ones.

Sun Flare

As you would imagine, there are many opportunities to take sunny pictures in Tucson, Arizona. This picture was taken at Saguaro National Park, which is absolutely breathtaking!


It is something of a tradition to visit Trail Dust Town and eat at Pinnacle Peak Restaurant when we are in Tucson. This year my little girl loved riding on the carousel. She had this big smile on her face the entire time, which is saying something since she went on the ride 3 times!

Linked to Sunday Snapshot &


  1. A beautiful set!
    Love that you chose children's dishes and these are so cute.
    I loved riding the carousel when I was little. That sweet expression shows your little one is having a ball!

  2. Great shots all - those plastic toy dishes look so pretty!

  3. these are beautiful. its my first time at shs so great to find some new blogs through it xxx

  4. WOW, really like your photos...perfect idea for pictures and what a great view of your favorite color. That expression, pure joy! Great job. Stopping by from SHS, have a great day.

  5. Gorgeous shots! Love all the cacti pics!

  6. Cool choice for your sticky prompt. Great shot of the dragonfly. Love your color choices too.

  7. Beautiful set of images! I love the purple cactus, I've never seen one! Love your daughter riding the ponies!! I still love to ride on a carousel!!

  8. cute cute cute - I love your pictures!

  9. looks like a great time for your little gal!

  10. A fabulous set this week.. We had the same idea for sticky. :)


  11. The dragonfly is fabulous! And I never knew there were purple catuses (cacti?) :) They are beautiful!

  12. What a wonderful series! Love the dishes shot. That certainly is a happy expression as well.

  13. Super enjoyable set. Those little dishes are so cute.
    Both your favorite colors shots were nice. It's so hard to get a good shot of a dragonfly, yours is wonderful.
    Yep cacti can be pretty sticky!
    Loved your Sun Flare and Expression is just adorable as can be.
