
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {06.23.13}


This week was the annual Strawberry Days celebration in our town. I took my kids to the carnival and they had so much fun! One of their favorites was the dragon roller coaster (see the two blonde boys?), but next year the boys think they can tackle the zero gravity ride that spins 'round and 'round! I guess we'll see!

Arts and Crafts

I own WAY too many beads! Here are just a few of them. At one point I thought I was going to make something with them to sell on etsy, but so far that hasn't happened. Maybe I should try to sell them or something...


I have a love-hate relationship with paperback books. They are much less expensive than hardback books, but they are SO much harder to keep organized! I got tired of the book mess in my boys' room, so one day I dumped all the paperback books onto the floor and organized them by size. I am working on finding the right shelving solution for our paperbacks so they aren't always all over the place!


Yesterday evening my family went on a drive up American Fork canyon to check out camping sites. We even made it all the way up to Silver Lake. Isn't it absolutely gorgeous? We are so blessed to live so close to so much natural beauty! I love it.


This week we have been seriously working on potty training Miss Aubrey. We make the switch to panties and then don't look back. It takes a lot of effort at first, but it pays off in the end! After one week we have had several days in a row with no accidents- hooray!

Linked to Sunday Snapshot and


  1. Your messy is almost on par with mine...heh, heh.

    Books aren't supposed to be disorganized? Who knew!

    TYay for successful potty training!

  2. What a great set. Loved your carnival ride shots. Should have saved that 2nd one for next weeks motion!
    Oh your beads are pretty.
    We were on a similar wave-length for Blessing, just different country side. Yours is lovely too.
    Got a chuckle from the Potty Training with that row of panties on the line. Sounds like it's going pretty decent.

  3. LUV the pic of the beads! Such color and pattern!

  4. POTTY TRAINING....ahhhh...that was the worst, LOL. Now that is one mess I would LOVE

  5. Yay for potty training! My nephew is almost there too! Love the picture of the beads!!

  6. Fun pictures! I just went through our books as well, same sentiments! Cute little undies, best of luck!

  7. I seriously love this set of photos! Although I am glad to be past the potty training stage. ;)

  8. I love the beads. I'm such an addict for sorted, colorful items. Nice photos.

  9. Ha! Love the potty training photos! Great shots!

  10. Those landscapes are stunning - truly a blessing. Love the panties on the clothesline - keep up the good work.

  11. Your set is so enjoyable to look at! Love your organized beads and your messy children's books. I see a few of my grandchildren's favorites in that pile! I also love the panties on the line. How cute is that! A lot of work, potty training, but this too shall pass!

  12. HM,
    I like your bead box. My Sister makes and sells necklaces. It's always fun to raid her stash.

    Your Silver Lake pictures are stunning!

    Good Luck with the potty training.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  13. Simply adore your work, those incredible carnival pics!! I haven't been taking part in the Hunts of about 2 months now but really want to get back into it - thanks for the inspiration xx

  14. Love Arts and Crafts but Effort makes me smile!

  15. These are great shots! Love the fun ones from the carnival!

  16. Congrats on the potty training progress! I'm sure she'll be much easier than the kid in my kitchen. ;-) Love those fun shots. I don't think I'll ever be ready for that second ride. :-P
