
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {5•26•13}


Nope, these are not pictures from a recent vacation; they are pictures from my bike rides this week.  I love cycling, so each ride is like a mini-vacation for me. I am preparing for my first 100 mile bike ride of the year on June 1st, so this week I was putting in as many miles as I could. I managed about 83 miles of riding in this gorgeous valley. I am lucky to live here!


This may not look like food to you, but this is what cyclists take with them on a long bike ride. When you burn over 2900 calories in 2 1/2 hours, you need some serious fuel!


Why is it that my boys always want to play on their electronic devices with the sound all the way up? It's a personal electronic device, which means I don't need to hear it too! Turn the sound down!


I almost used another ladybug picture for this prompt, but since I did an entire post on our ladybug tree earlier this week I decided to choose something else. Here is an ant I spotted on our tree while I was photographing ladybugs. The tree has great texture and the ant is an added bonus.


Here are a few miscellaneous pictures from the week. Friday night it was a full moon, and I couldn't resist taking a shot. The second picture is one of my irises, which are in bloom right now.

Linked to Sunday Snapshot &


  1. Yes, what a blessing to live where you are! Happy riding! Breathe some of that valley air for me!

  2. That iris is gorgeous! And I love your interpretation for "sound." :)

  3. You have the best view on your bike rides! I am so jealous. Beautiful set.

  4. Gorgeous!! My brother in law just did a 100 mile ride from Portland to the Coast - best of luck to you!!

  5. Every time someone post a photo of the moon, it reminds me that I have never attempted to capture a lunar image. I really need to do that some time. Great photo set. So many of us have great views within minutes of our homes, if we will only stop and smell the roses. Your mountains are a perfect example. Have a blessed week-end.

  6. Awesome shots! Good luck with you 100 miles! So impressive!

  7. I don't think I'd get much bike riding done if I lived in that beautiful area! I'd be off the bike wandering around with my camera! Good luck with your ride! I love your texture shot and your iris; great macro shots!

  8. Love your interpretations! Yes, I do not want to hear anyone's personal device either!

  9. You take such amazing pictures!! Absolutely stunning... ALL of them!!

  10. 100 mile bike ride - very impressive! Your moon shot is really super.

  11. oh to live near mountains! gorgeous

  12. Gorgeous simply Gorgeous views for those Vacation Shots.
    Wow 100 Bike ride, I'm lucky to make it around the block on a bike. Good thing you have energy food.
    Cool looking texture shot. I tried to get one of some ants this weekend but they were too blurry.
    Wonderful shots of the Moon and Iris.

  13. Good luck with your bike ride, sounds fun! Awesome job on your anything pictures.


  14. These are all beautiful! I love those mountains.

  15. These are all amazing shots! I am impressed at how dedicated you are at biking.

  16. Is your iris white? Or light purple? If it is white I might have to beg a start from you someday. We could swap colors. Nice views from your ride. I miss living out in that countryside.
