Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wordful Wednesday

When I woke up this morning the sky was still dark and gloomy from all the rain we had overnight. It was so dark outside that it made me want to give a big yawn and go cuddle back up in bed.

 It was either that, or just curl up with a good book....or twelve!

Can you believe the pile of books on my bedside table?! I guess that's what happens when you are a librarian and you work in the YA section of the library. I hear about all these great books and just have to check them out or put them on hold. Wouldn't you know all my holds come in at the same time!!

But I am a mommy, so of course I did not stay in bed or read a book. I had way to much to do! Cooking, cleaning, laundry, chauffeuring, diapering... the list goes ont! But it's not so bad. Especially when you get to spend your day taking care of cute little ones like Aubrey (and her brothers)!

Oh how I love my little people!

5 Minutes for Mombabybabylemon
Better in BulkLive and Love...Out Loudand then, she {snapped}NapTime MomTog

Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.


  1. Your little one's yawn made me yawn! Fantastic pile of books on your table - if only you had a chance of uninterrupted time to read through them.

  2. Wow! That's quite a stack. Funny how little time I have to read since motherhood took over. lol. Happy WW!

  3. So adorable!! I used to work in a library. I loved it. Hoping to go back after the boys get older.

  4. Could she be any cuter?!! Hope you find a little time for reading soon so you can get through your pile!

  5. I can see why you'd love your little people so much! Adorable!

  6. I can't believe how big she's getting! And the shot of the yawn was perfect!

  7. Adorable little yawny face!

    I would be in trouble if I worked in the YA section. I recently rediscovered that genre and I just adore it.

  8. OMGoodness. She is just so sweet!
    And holy cow, that is a big old pile of books! (you need to do a book review on the sidebar of your blog or something ;) )

  9. Aubrey is just too cute!! And wow that IS a book stash and a half. good luck with them. ;-)

  10. That first pic made me sleepy! LOL I didn't know you worked in a library, very cool. My hold always seem to come in at the same time too! Ooops!

  11. so cute. I thought I was bad with 6 books on my nightstand. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is a bit backed up on reading

  12. She is adorable! I would be in trouble if I worked at the library. I'd be caught reading in a corner somewhere. lol

  13. Aww what a sweet baby yawn. My little girly's name is Aubrey too.

  14. What an adorable yawn!!

    Here I thought my book pile was bad! I think you have a few books on me!

  15. She's so adorable! I used to read a lot when I was breastfeeding. I would read the whole time he nursed. But I don't get as much reading in these days. I need to get back into the grove again.

  16. Oh my goodness, that yawn is SO cute! :) Hope you get all those books read (this year, hee hee!)

  17. Such a sweet smile.. Adorable! :)

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