Monday, July 13, 2009

Welcome to Toddlerhood!

Today is the day.

My baby is definitely not an infant anymore. Today we are making the move from two daily naps to just one. So long morning nap! I will miss you terribly!

For the past couple of weeks we have been having a struggle with our nap schedule. Eli would take his regular morning and afternoon naps one day.. and all was right with the world. Then the next day he would take a long morning nap and refuse to take an afternoon nap, much to my frustration. The next day everything seemed to be back to normal and he would take two naps again. And on and on it went!

Then we got to the point that on the days he took two naps, Eli would not go to bed at his regular bedtime. Instead he would just jabber to himself in his crib for nearly an hour! Needless to say, I was about to go bonkers!

So although I will miss the two naps, I am thinking that one long nap will be preferrable to the chaos we have been putting up with! It's nap time right now and we are hoping for a good one. Wish us luck!


  1. hope the one nap schedule works out for both of you. I'm torn on Colby going to 1 nap, on one hand it will free up the day... on the other I like that time alone with Blake during the mornings...

    why do so many things with kiddos have to be a bottle of mixed emotions??

  2. I remember the days of 2 naps but 1 nap is much better for having summer fun, I think.

  3. 1 nap really is easier. Much easier to schedule around. ;)

  4. You got TWO NAPS? You lucky, lucky momma, you! My little guy has been a one nap a day boy from the beginning- I didn't realize I was missing out until just now.

    I hope things get back to a schedule for you- I understand 100% the importance of a schedule when dealing with tired and cranky little boys. :)

  5. I hate those nap adjustment times where they need more sleep than they're getting, but if you don't balance it right they stay up all night. Good luck getting it all figured out!

  6. Good luck with the naps. Sooner than parents like, it will come to no nap. Right now the kids only take naps when they are extremely fussy. Otherwise there is no nap and they get to bed better then when they do. Keep track of how long Eli sleeps. I know that if I let mine sleep to long, bedtime is pushed back till 10pm.

  7. We love long naps. My 22 month old goes 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon.

    The 4 year old is on and off. But will sleep for 2 hours if he's really tired.

  8. Oh, when the buddy went to one nap, it was great for us. it meant that in the morning we went out to different play groups, and then the afternoons were "Mommy time!"

  9. Yes, one long nap or two short ones. It's a dilemma!

    My 3 year old boy took two nice ones a day and easily switched to 1 long one with no problem. My 18-month old girl?? Well, she has ALWAYS been just a "1 1/2 hour nap a day" kind of girl! Much to this mommy's chagrin!

    I agree with CC ~~ one nap a day is much easier for scheduling things though!

  10. Good luck! I'm torn with what to do with Charlie...he's not quite 1 and ready do have just one nap, but in two weeks my oldest son will start Kindergarten which means I"ll have to pick him up smack in the middle of Charlie's afternoon nap! Decisions, decisions....
