Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ride 'em Cowboy!

This weekend we got out the only dress up outfit my little boy has. They make so many princess dresses, etc. for little girls, but it's hard to find cute play clothes for boys!

Jonah got these for Christmas, so I don't know why it took us so long to get them out. He was having such a great time playing cowboy with his stick horse.

We had to borrow a hat from Honey Daddy, but somehow that only made it more fun for him.

Isn't he absolutely adorable?


  1. We love dress up, what a very precious cowboy! A magical WW to you!

  2. That is such a stunnign picture! Love the expression on his face and his eyes...oh my!

  3. Such a cute little cowboy!

  4. He looks like a rugged little cutie!

  5. very cute! he looks like he's ready to ride the range

  6. Oh my gosh!!!!! This is just too adorable. It looks so professionally done. Wow.

    My Wordful is all about "Sister's Day". Come join me if you can. Happy Wednesday.

  7. please tell him that this Texan think he looks just like a REAL cowboy!!! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehawwwwww!

  8. That is too precious! Love it!

  9. I want to lasoo him and bring him home. THat's one cute cowboy!

  10. Too cute, it does kinda stink that they don't have dress up clothes for boys!

  11. yeah, if you want dress up clothes for boys, you have to stock up at Halloween. That's how my son's dress up box is stocked...with old Halloween costumes.

  12. Cowboys are fun. I once found a kings hat and a jesters hat. Of course it cost more then a whole princess costume.

    That's a great hat!

  13. He is adorable!

    Dress up is so fun!

  14. now that is the best looking cow boy ever.

  15. I can't get over how cute he is. He makes the perfect little Cowboy!! : )

  16. So cute, I need to get my nephew a cowboy outfit, since I live in Texas and all ;)

  17. SO cute!

    Visiting you from SITS. Have a great day!

  18. He is precious! My boys love dress up too! We have several costumes that we get at Halloween, or should I say after, and some my MIL makes. They think it is a blast!

  19. My son wore around his knight in shining armor costume for months on end, just so he could join his sisters in playing dress-up!

    He sure does make a cute little cowboy!
