
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: The Halloween Edition {11.03.13}


My favorite type of candy this time of year is definitely candy corn. Yum! Sadly, this is an archive picture because when I went to the store to buy some candy corn this week they told me they were completely sold out! Can you believe it?


I crocheted a darling little pumpkin hat for a friend who recently had a baby, so of course I had to crochet one for my little girl. She loves her pumpkin hat and I think she is so adorable!


This year my boys wanted to carve spooky pumpkins. I think we came up with some pretty good ones!


There are some bushes not too far from our house with these lovely orange berries on them, so I had to stop and take a picture.

Dress up

This year my boys were determined to be Jedi for Halloween, so I set about making some costumes for them. I was so pleased with how they turned out and my boys LOVED them.

I have so many awesome pictures of my Jedi that I had a hard time choosing which ones to share! I even ended up making a costume for my husband. Doesn't he make the perfect General Kanobe? I know he prefers the more serious Jedi photos I took of him, but I caught him laughing and I just love this photo.

 Luckily I did not have to make Miss Aubrey's costume. She was perfectly happy to wear the Cinderella dress that we found for her. Isn't she adorable?

We had such a fun Halloween! I love my little family so much!

This week's song prompt was "My Life Would Suck Without You". There are many things that I wouldn't really want to do without such as chocolate, colorful Autumns, and living near the mountains. However I don't even want to imagine life without my husband and my three beautiful kids. They are my everything.

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays and Songography


  1. Oh my goodness your boys costume's are great. They look like perfect little Jedi Knights and I like your hubby in his as well. That little princess of yours is so cute. Also loving the Pumpkin Hat and the Jack-o-lanterns. I could not get that good of pictures of ours for some reason this year. I think it was because I used (flameless) candles and they just weren't as bright as the real thing. Great set. Yes family is something that life would suck without.

  2. Love your jack o lanterns and yes it would really suck without our families .

  3. Oh ny... That pumpkin hat certainly is cute, BUT....what's underneath is even cuter! Family, it's what life is all about :). Thanks for joining in on Song-ography. I've missed ya :)

  4. Cute pumpkin, love the Jedi, looks like you had a fun halloween

  5. They are awfully cute! Love that little pumpkin hat

  6. Your pumpkins are great (real and adorable child!) Love the Jedi costumes!

  7. Can't believe they were out of candy corn! Adorable shots of what looks like a wonderful Halloween! I love that berry bokeh, too!

  8. The costumes are wonderful...your boys and your hubby are mighty handsome and that little sweetie girl is adorable. I just LOVE that little pumpkin hat.
    I am linking up to follow...come by to see me when you can.

  9. You should come to our local Kroger - they had several grocery carts to the front of the store filled with bags of candy corn/pumpkin. Adorable family pictures and those carved pumpkins are awesome.

  10. Great photographs. The Jedi shots are great and I agree that your husband laughing is great. I love your pumpkin shot, what a cute little girl.

  11. The pumpkin hat is so cute and the thing under it is even cuter!!!
    The costumes are great...

    Boo Kitty Boo XXX

  12. What did you dress up as for Halloween? Don't tell me you were the only one without a costume.

  13. Love the photo of your little girl in the leaves wearing her pumpkin hat. Great Halloween costumes for your family too.

  14. Your kiddos are sooooo cute... looks as if they had a great time on halloween

  15. Some very nice Halloween shots! There are a ton floating around blog-land, this might be my favorite set! Your pumpkin is adorable...and i love that shot of her in those leaves! Can't imagine our lives without those we love, that is FOR SURE!

  16. Perfect captures. Your dress up photos are tremendous!

  17. Nice assortment of shots...It's been a great fall♪

  18. I absolutely adore your jedi knights!!! And the pumpkin shot is amazingly beautiful!

  19. Wow! All of your pictures are great! I can't even choose a favorite. Visiting from

  20. I just love all your photos.. The one of your daughter in all the leaves is so adorable. And candy corns are one of my fav's as well.


  21. Such a lovely post, love the photography, the colors and shapes!

  22. She looks so cute in that little hat... Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on the Weekly Top Shot, #107!

  23. Wonderful captures of your Halloween! The costumes and pumpkins are very impressive!

  24. That pumpkin hat is adorable!

    I cannot believe that they were out of candy corn!

    The pumpkins are great! The boys did a wonderful job!

    And everyone's costumes are great as well! What a fun Halloween!
