
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {11.17.13}


These are the patterns that I used to make the Jedi costumes for my husband and sons. The fact that I was just getting them put away today should give you some indication of how busy I have been in the past few weeks!


Somehow I have become a collector of lost sunglasses. I have discovered many pairs in the library where I work, and if they go unclaimed for long enough then I can take them home. This is one of my favorites.


The moon is big and bright tonight. We caught a glimpse of it when the clouds blew away for a minute.

Looking In

Sometimes I can't resist looking in on my baby girl when she is napping. I know she could very easily wake up (and she has several times), so I guess I am tempting fate. But she is just so darn adorable when she is sleeping!


It has started to get colder here and we have had frost several mornings this week. Here are some little ice crystals that I found on a leaf in the back yard. The ice crystals on the leaves make for extra crunchiness.


This week's Songography is such an awesome song that I had to participate. The song is, "What a Wonderful World".

I see skies of blue,
And clouds of white.

The bright blessed day,
The dark sacred night.

And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.

Yes, I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays and Songography


  1. I love looking in on nap times too even if it is a bit risky! I love your moon shot how beautiful and how you've caught the frost on your last photo. From scavenger hunt Sunday link up x

  2. I remember looking in at nap time too. They are just so precious. I used a moon picture for round as well. Mine was taken late afternoon.

  3. Those stars! The past few mornings here the sky has been glowing with stars - makes 5am worth it! The moon was amazing last night! Great shots!!

  4. Sleeping babies are so sweet to watch!

  5. all of your images are awesome but the last 2, took. my. breath. away.

  6. A great collection of shots especially that starry sky - gorgeous!

  7. Literally gave out a great big SIGH when looking at your Song-ography photographs. All are perfection. But that starry sky shot?!?!? WOW. Makes you realize how small we are in this great big wonderful world. Thanks for joining in at Song-ography...have a great week :)

  8. Amazing group all around. Those glasses are 'da bomb' cool and man-oh-man is Little Miss growing.

  9. We really do live in a beautiful world, don't we? I love your crunchy ice crystals : ). Clever.

  10. Truly wonderful world...from the little day to day treasures that fill our world, to that sky filled with millions of stars!! Beautiful shots!

  11. Fabulous post. I loved it all. I love that you used clothes patterns for that prompt. Your little girl is adorable and I know it's tempting to get photos of them when they look that sweet. Gorgeous moon shots and lovely night sky. Your last shot from Songography, so beautiful. I enjoyed stopping by very much.

  12. Oh my how on earth did you get that stary night image? I have tried so many times but I think the glow from urban light is the problem. I would love to know more about how you took this shot though


  13. Wonderful post... your sleeping wee daughter is precious... the moon always a delight in the night sky... and the song... yes, the first line had it running through my mind! Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on the Weekly Top Shot, #109!

  14. Beautiful images.

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  15. Great pictures. I like the frost on the leaves especially. I miss the 'looking in' on the little ones. I remember so many times of wanting them to hurry up and go to sleep, then wishing they would hurry and wake up!

  16. Wonderful series...the starry sky is my fav♫♪ Have a wonder-filled week!

  17. Love your interpretations for both memes. The shot for crunchy is great. I can see why those sunglasses are your favorites. You really do live in a beautiful area!

  18. Cool pictures and I am loving the Songography! :D
