
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Time for the Bee-utiful Season

Yesterday our backyard was all a-buzz! The instant you stepped out the back door of our house and onto the back porch, it sounded like you had walked into a beehive.

Our apricot tree is in full bloom, which is a fact that the bees have obviously discovered! I don't ever remember seeing or hearing this many bees on our apricot tree in all the years we have lived here! Perhaps this Spring will be truly spectacular!

I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try to get some photos, so I got out my macro lens. I think bees are just lovely!

I told my children they did not need to be afraid of the bees. As long as they did not bother the bees, then the bees would not bother them. We stood under the tree for a while to watch and listen. Before long both of my boys wanted to try to take pictures of the bees too!

I am not quite ready to let my boys use my camera, so they got out their iPods, grabbed our footstools and started snapping! It was so cute! They even managed to get a couple of nice pictures. We must have been out there trying to capture the bees for at least an hour. It was really fun!

I enjoyed watching my boys learn more about patience and taking pictures. Sometimes you can take over a hundred pictures and only end up with 5 or 6 that you love. Especially when you are shooting busy bees!

I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like Winter just keeps dragging on and Spring will never get here...or that the current challenge of my life is just HARD and may be getting the best of me... or I feel like I just can't quite get the photos that I really want and my pictures are not good enough.  But you just have to hang in there and keep trying. Don't give up!  Enjoy the little moments you are given and in time, it will come.
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. Perfect sentiment. Great collection of shots! And such a joy to share one of your passions with your kids. We have no bees, just birds! But I'm patient!!

  2. I agree - will spring ever arrive!? How great that the boys snapped pics too!!

  3. Such beautiful photos and I love how you taught your boys about the bees and they patiently took lots of photos. That's awesome!

  4. Those photos make my skin crawl. A little too good? haha! I wish I was as calm about bees as you and your boys, can't stand em. Love that they wanted to go take pictures too.

  5. These are stunning shots, the last one in particular is sooo good


  6. You got some great shots! What lens do you use? We have a cherry tree in our yard that attracts bees as well. It's kind of fun!

  7. These are excellent, and isn't it wonderful to share a passion with your children. I think the length of this winter has taken its toll on everyone.

  8. Fabulous shots of the blooms, the bees & the boy. I haven't seen many bee's out and about yet, not sure why that is.
    I agree they are fun to watch and how neat to have your boys join in on the fun.

  9. What gorgeous macro and details of your bee! Lovely shots. I eagerly look forward to my first bee this season! I think I have a bit to wait tho. Thanks for linking up to Song-ography.

  10. Gorgeous photos!

    So wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays. Looking forward to having you join this weekend as well!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper
