
Friday, March 21, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 | {March 14- March 20 }

Day 74 | March 14
This is the Cinderella dress that my daughter wore for Halloween. In the process of trick-or-treating she pulled the seam out of the bottom of the dress. I finally got around to serging the bottom of the dress and as soon as I showed it to her she HAD to wear it again.

Day 75 | March 15
Jonah had a minor outpatient surgery to remove a bump on his leg yesterday. As a reward for being brave, Daddy got him some new tracks for his electric train and set it up so Jonah could play with it. The kids had SO much fun!

Day 76 | March 16
Sunday was my little girl's third birthday! She got to wear a brand new dress to church and LOVED all the mini cupcakes that I made for her. We had a really fun day opening presents and playing with them.

Day 77 | March 17
On St. Patrick's Day both of my boys decided to wear their soccer jerseys to school, since they are both green. I volunteer in the classroom often, and on Monday I was trading the take-home books. I managed to snap this picture of Eli working on a leprechaun with my phone.

Day 78 | March 18

Late Monday afternoon two of my kiddos threw up. My little girl was sick all over the living room carpet, and then after bedtime my son threw up while he was sitting on the potty. Needless to say, none of the vomit ended up in the toilet. It took me over an hour to clean up the bathroom. Yuck! So I spent the day on Tuesday taking care of them. Luckily the stomach bug did not last too long and no one threw up again!

Day 79 | March 19

Because of daylight savings time, it is now dark again when I come home from aerobics in the morning. The moon looked happy to see me this morning, so I had to take a picture. Later in the day I caught Eli working on a project with perler beads, so I had to snap his picture.

Day 80 | March 20

Here is my little girl, working on a puzzle in the morning. Can you tell that I had not done her hair for the day just yet?

Nurse Loves Farmer
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Your kids are getting so grown up! I can't believe she is three! Oh, and sorry you had sickies, that's the pits.

  2. Lovely pictures, your kiddos are so sweet!!

  3. Great shots! I love the lincoln logs! AND -- I love the shot of the moon. SO jealous of that amazing shot!

  4. I learned a long time ago to keep a garbage can next to the toilet for occasions like that! Hope everyone is better now. Awesome train! Is that the same bump on his leg he had this summer?

  5. Wow that moon shot is amazing!! I love it. Yuck to puke clean up!
