Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Little Bit of Everything

What a busy week we have had!

I think Miss Aubrey could attest to that. I couldn't believe it when she fell asleep in her high chair at lunchtime. Poor tired girl!

We have had rain off and on all week. So we have been playing inside a lot. Good thing I have such a good looking bunch to hang out with.

While driving my kids here and there, I noticed the odometer had an interesting number on it. Since I had my camera in the van, I took a picture. How's that for random?

The rain may be driving me a bit insane, but it is wonderful for my flowers! My yard is full of beautiful tulips right now, and I love them. So beautiful!

Aren't yellow tulips so cheerful? I love that these two seem to be intertwined.

We have yellow and purple tulips, but I think my favorites are the variegated ones.

So that's a random bit of what we are up to. How about you?


  1. random can be beautiful :). happy day to you!

  2. Love the picture of the kids. Thanks for posting it. Great flower shots.

  3. She's so cute sleeping in her highchair. And the tulips are lovely!
