Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Boy Talk

I love that Eli is starting to talk! It is making our lives so much easier.

The funny thing is the words that he is learning. One day Eli kept repeating something and I just couldn't quite figure out what he was trying to say. It sounded like "mommy's", but I could tell from his expression that I was getting it all wrong.

Then Honey Daddy came home and pointed out to me that what he was actually saying was "Momas!" as in Thomas the Tank Engine.

Now he "talks" to me about Thomas all the time. This is same boy puts on his Buzz Lightyear pajamas, then points to himself and says "Buzz!" and has his own version of the phrase "To infinity- and beyond!". Eli also says "Ka-pow!" just like Lightening McQueen from the Disney Movie Cars.

I don't remember Jonah saying character names and phrases when he was 20 months old. But I guess that's what the influence of an older brother will do for you!

At least we don't have to wonder what types of gifts would be popular for Christmas this year!


  1. That is funny you mention it because my 21 month old has been saying Buzz over and over this past week. It took me a while to figure out that a Buzz Bubble blower (figurine) was in the closet from this summer (unopened) and he saw it one day. He kept trying to get me to open it but I didn't have a clue! I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for them. And yes, my 21 month old talks leaps and bounds over what my 3 year old did at that age. I think the older sibling really helps! Happy WW & thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. How cute! It's always a mystery at first to try to understand what they're saying. I wonder what is going on in their minds when we are repeating back the wrong things! LOL

  3. Cars is super popular around here, too. So is Thomas (not the show but books and stuff). He says "too too" for him.

  4. I see things like that with my 2 guys too. Colby loves things that Blake could have cared less about at the same age and I think it's just the influence of the older sibling. It is very cute that he is starting to be more expressive with you now and tell you what he like (and who he is)

  5. Those first words are so precious!!! He's really cute!

  6. Oh, he is such a little cutie! I miss those fun things about babies and toddlers. So sweet! He is the cutest little Buzz ever : )

  7. cute! Love it when they start to talk :)

  8. LOL!

    My 20 month old's favourite word right now is "Beebee," (baby), while he point to himslef or a picture of a baby. Present him with a real baby though... that is not a baby. baby's are only him, or in pictures!!

  9. Thomas was a big hit in my house too - even with the girls!

  10. That is so cute. Oh the things they learn from old siblings.

  11. Luke is 20-months old and doing the same. It is soooooo sweet...bitter-sweet, even.

  12. That is so sweet! I love listening to babies when they first start to talk!! My best friend's little boy LOVES Thomas the train! When he first started talking he would run thomasthetrain all together into one word that wasn't very understandable..but still precious!!

    Eli sure is a cutie!

  13. I love when they start talking.

    It's such a great stage.

  14. My 21 month old loves Thomas and has that name down perfectly. He especially loves his Thomas books. He asks me what the other engine's names are but I don't have a clue. Guess I need to learn quick.

  15. How precious!

    I remember when my kids liked Thomas the Train... time flies!

  16. It is amazing how different the second kid is because of having a sibling around.

    I just want to squeeze his cute little cheeks. He is so adorable.

  17. In my nanny jobs I've always enjoyed the "language explosion" phases. So cute!

  18. That is so sweet! I love listening to little ones talk. It does make it easier to get presents for them too!

  19. He sounds like he may be very creative! Very cute!

  20. That is too cute. That's definitely a perk before Christmas!
