Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Trouble is My Middle Name

Little Eli seems to know exactly what he needs to do to get into trouble. For example, if at any time you are not keeping an eye on him, Eli will head straight for the bathroom. If you are lucky, then the door to the bathroom is closed. If not... look out!

If you were unfortunate enough to forget to put the lid down on the toilet, then you will find Eli up to his elbows in toilet water. If you are somewhat fortunate you will find him just playing in the water. If you are less fortunate he will be dunking a variety of toys in the potty. Oh joy!

Eli is also fond of closing doors in our house, which I find to be a bit annoying. Especially since I inevitably have to go let him out of whatever room he is stuck in, only to have him shut himself in another room. I have told him not to shut the doors a gazillion times, but he's just barely one and doesn't quite get "No" all of the time yet.

Sometimes I have to just give up and laugh at all the funny things my little boy does. After all, he's just exploring his world, right?

He loves to play in the sandbox now with his older brother. This Saturday while they were playing I caught him doing this with the sand shovel.

Is there something tasty on this big spoon?

Luckily there wasn't much sand actually on the shovel, and I was planning to bathe the boys anyway. So I just let them get dirty.

When I told Eli the shovel was yucky, he was kind enough to offer it to me.

You want to try it, Mommy?

Thanks Buddy, but no thank you!

Need more Wordful?


  1. What a cutie! It amazes me how kids think dirt tastes good.... :)

  2. It's that magic age! My youngest is the same way...

  3. He's adorable. As they say, "God made dirt so dirt won't hurt." LOL.

  4. so cute... I have always got to the point with Blake where you realize it's easier to say.. oh well than fight it

  5. Sounds like he is definitely keeping you busy these days. Good luck!! LOL

  6. I remember my brother doing things like this at that age. He used to lock himself in the bathroom all the time, so much in fact that we had to take the locks off most of the bedroom and bathroom doors in our house.

    I'm sure its just a phase though and he will outgrow this :)

  7. My son is also a trouble finder.

    I'm hoping it means he'll be a strong, creative adult. In the meantime, he keeps me on my toes just keeping him safe.

  8. Ahhhh, the wonderful stage of eating EVERYTHING.... how well I remember it!

    He's so dang cute.

  9. Very cute! My son eats everything. We have a lock on our toilet, so thankfully he hasn't been playing in their! :)

  10. Your little boy is so sweet - sand and all!
    I guess boys have to just really 'experience' while they play!



  11. ....like, "Want some?" Too too cute.

    My Wordful this week is all about the birds and bees...errrr, um....maybe birds and cats. Is it Superman in the sky? Come find out.

  12. I think this is what you call "hands on" learning, right?

  13. Kids and sand the greatest love affair, ever!

  14. Such a cutie! I actually had to resort to locking our bathroom doors-especially if I was going to be on the phone! (I would put the key above on the door frame for when we needed to get in!) Those busy, busy boys!!

  15. Thanks for visiting my blog today. Boys, huh? Mine loves to drink water out of the sand/water table or stick his face in the outside dog bowl. He's even dumped out the dog water then licked it off the pavement. Gross!! He's also obsessed with shutting doors. At home, its not so bad but in public where the doors are meant to be kept open its a pain.

  16. Well, at least he's already learning how to share! ; )

    He's such a cutie...

  17. How adorable..well, except for the playing in the tiolet. That is kind of icky. :)

  18. My kids would slam doors. Not just doors to rooms but cabinet doors. It drove me absolutely nuts. 'Course now they slam doors during arguments...*sigh*

  19. How cute! and he wants to share. How sweet.

  20. Your stories of Eli remind me SO much of my Baby Lion. He's very attracted to dangerous things.

    He made a bee line for the oven in a second, as I was putting a dish in. Got him in time, so no injuries!

    We have a baby gate blocking our kitchen now.

  21. Kids are just drawn to the sand! Love these pictures. He is a doll.

  22. Why do kids put EVERYTHING in their mouths? :) HE IS SO STINKING CUTE!!!

  23. ewwwww, yuck. and so sweet to offer you a bite!

  24. he's such a cutie. i guess you have to clean your toliet a lot. i think it is so sweet that he wanted to share the dirt!
