Jonah seems to be coping just fine, but for some reason Eli is NOT happy. His behavior has been a bit unusual. He has been waking up from naps and in the morning just crying and screaming. He also doesn't want to go down for naps. I've checked all the medical and "comfort" reasons for this kind of behavior and have come up blank. It's like he doesn't like his crib anymore or he doesn't know where he is or something. I am baffled!
Hopefully it will get better with time. I can't blame him for being confused though. We went from nice warm weather, spending time outside, and a house full of people to cold, snow, and staying inside our house with just mommy and big brother most of the time.
I actually find myself longing for a little more heat and sunshine.
You know, something like this:

I haven't even been home a week yet and I am already sick of the cold

AND I am definitely sick of the SNOW.

That first picture is one I took in Tucson while on a bike ride with Honey Daddy. Isn't it pretty? Go on... click on it and take a nice, warm look!! :o)
Since we have come home it has snowed and snowed and snowed. We have gotten at least a foot of snow in the past 24 hours and it JUST. WON'T. STOP. I haven't even gone anywhere because the roads are nasty and who wants to be stuck on the side of the road with two little ones? Not me!
Jonah is probably the only one at our house who is loving the snow. He doesn't want to stay inside, oh no! He wants to put on his snow pants, coat, hat and gloves and go outside to shovel with Daddy and play in the snow.
I'm afraid the rest of the Honey House is suffering from vacation "hangover". Anybody got a remedy?
don't you hate feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation? I hope your little guy adjusts soon to being back home.
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful pictures and it looks like fun!
ReplyDeleteLove the desert shot! I hope your little guy adjusts back to his normal routine soon.
ReplyDeleteYou might not like the snow but you sure can get some really pretty pictures because of it. But as much as I think I would love the snow, I'm sure if I was knee deep in it I would also want the warm beautiful picture.
ReplyDeleteDear Friend, You grew up in WYOMING!! You should be used to this, so I have no sympathy for you. We need the snow too badly, so no more complaining or Mother Nature might listen to you and send the snow elsewhere!
ReplyDeleteI miss snow. I miss it so much. It has been in the 70s here all weekend and into the week. Boo. Hiss.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you had a good vacation but how rude to come back to all that snow.
ReplyDeleteUm........go back on vacation? :)
ReplyDeleteNo snow down here and I miss it. At least I think I do.
ReplyDeleteI only envy your snow at Christmas and then I would be sick of it too. At least Jonah is helping you shovel! Sorry Eli is so cranky. Sometimes when we are out of our routine for a while, Sweet Pea would freak out for a few days once things were back to normal. When she was younger, it would take her a week of grumpiness before getting her bearings. Give it a week then blame it on teething!
ReplyDeleteI am done with the snow too! Grr..
ReplyDeleteI ALWAYS want to come home and hunker down.Just unpack and not do anything but get back to the basics. Anything else is to hard to handle.
ReplyDeleteNow that my kids are getting older - my idea of a good vacation is for them to go visit grandma and leave me alone (how sad is that) in the house for a couple of days to really clean and maybe read or watch girly movies. But since Grandma lives two states away that never happens.
Just give Eli a little more time - he'll come around. Are you sure he's not still teething?
We can trade houses for a week if you'd like :)
ReplyDeleteYou can have my palm trees and I can have the snow, although I don't know the first thing that I would do with it. I've only seen it once!
Hope for your sake it stops snowing soon and the weather gets warmer! I couldn't imagine being cooped up in the house, I would go stir crazy!
Sounds like you need a drink with one of those cute umbrellas and a movie where they're at the beach! : ) Or would that make it worse?
ReplyDeleteHope your hangover ends soon!
great photos!!
ReplyDeleteI would love to have some of that snow. Seems like we never get enough to even sled on here anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on that! Both the snow and the holiday hangover! I'll check back to hopefully find some remedies!
ReplyDeleteYou can come down here to the south coast of Texas with me....we could walk the beaches and comb for seashells!!!
ReplyDeleteMy Wordful is an update on Winston's Ladybug stool. Come on over if you can, I so love visitors and their comments!!! Happy day to you.
My one daughter loves the snow, we just moved to a warmer climate and I do not miss it one single bit! A magical WW to you!
ReplyDeleteI can see why you and Eli are suffering from a vacation hangover...I think I would be too.
ReplyDeleteFor those hangovers...I grab a Coke!! This snow needs to stick to the mountains and not my driveway! However...when summer comes and the lakes are full..I say Amen to the snow!
ReplyDeleteI kind of love the snow...but Arizona is beautiful too! I went there for the first time in 2008. So hot and nice!
ReplyDeleteI think that's why people always say they need a vacation after their vacation. Getting back into the daily grind always seems SO difficult!
ReplyDeleteI've got a holiday hangover that I just can't shake. My daughter finally went back to school Monday. My husband went back to work today for the first day since December 18th. I need to pick up and start again. I'm finding it a bit difficult to get my mojo back. Good luck to you.
ReplyDeleteAnother vacation?
ReplyDeleteI hope all gets back to normal in your house soon. Love the photos but I too long for a little more sunshine.
ReplyDeleteI really hate coming back from vacation too, especially that first week. It was hard enough getting back together after the holidays at home, let alone transitioning from somewhere gorgeous and warm to the cold, snowy climate of your home. By the weekend, you'll hopefully be back to normal!
ReplyDeletesee now, I would love just a little bit of your snow... any day over the rain that just won't stop here. BLAH!!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a wonderful vacation.
It;s always so rough getting back into the swing of things after a great vaca.
Happy WW and here's to the snow stopping....
Most of the time for me, coming home from vacation is the best part. But sounds like for you that it's been rough. Sorry for that. I love the pic of the warm weather. I am staring at 6 feet of snow in my front yard. I live in SW Colorado, and the storms here have been crazy.
ReplyDeleteI must say, I sure am glad not to be living in a snow covered state. I am cold HERE, in CALIFORNIA. I mean, the snow is gorgeous and all, I just cannot handle being cold. I think if I lived where it snowed, it'd get old, real quick. Love the Tucson pic. Looks nice and toasty!
ReplyDeleteGreat pics, but in my opinion, I would take the warm over the cold, too. Why do you think I moved from NJ back to TX. LOL! Happy WW!
ReplyDeleteLet's see, a vacation hangover cure....hmmmm...what about giving yourself a little adult beverage treat along with a chocolate dessert. You can deal with it all again when the snow melts!!! :) just a suggestion my friend!
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the hardest....coming back to reality and cold too! Read my post for tomorrow on a sure cure! ;)
ReplyDeleteI TOTALLY relate. Although I didn't go anywhere, I took some days off from work and I am having a devil-of-a-time settling back into the work routine. Ewwww.
ReplyDeleteVacation hangover, I know it well. The only remedy I know is to plan another one or at least plan a party or BBQ, something new to look forward to rather than looking behind at something wonderful but gone.