Sunday, November 9, 2008

Two Year Old Casanova

Apparently my son is already on his way to becoming a ladies man, and he's only two!

Friday morning we went over to my friend Melinda's house for a play date. I love hanging out with Melinda and she has two little girls that get along pretty well with my boys... perhaps too well!

Anyway, the kids were playing and I needed to go to the grocery store to score on some of the screaming deals they have been having in the past week. Melinda told me that I could just leave Jonah at her house because he was having so much fun playing with her five-year old daughter, Laura. Of course I jumped at the chance to go shopping with only one of my boys, so I headed to the store.

When I got back, Melinda told me what had transpired while I was gone. Apparently Jonah and Laura were chasing each other around the living room. All of the sudden Jonah stopped, threw out his arms and said, "Laura, kiss me!". To which she replied, "O.k." and the went and gave him a kiss.

Then Jonah said, "Now I kiss you!"
Laura once again said, "O.k." and she bent down so Jonah could kiss her.

Can you believe it?! My two year old is already kissing little girls!
I was actually surprised because Jonah has a pretty large personal space for a toddler. He usually doesn't like it when other kids get right up in his face. But I guess he decided that Laura is o.k. (she is pretty cute).

I'm pretty sure they just kissed each other on the cheek, because that is how Jonah kisses us. Actually, he basically gives us "air kisses" close to our cheeks so I'm assuming that's how it went with Laura. I guess I should ask Melinda about that!

So my two-year-old seems to be a bit of a Casanova, and apparently he is into older women... just like his daddy!


  1. haha...That's cute.
    Course when those kids are about ten years older, they won't think so. It will just be extremely embarassing.

  2. It was the cutest thing ever! And, yes, they were cheek kisses!

  3. What a charmer! All the ladies love him I'm sure! :) Thanks for coming by last week for my giftcard giveaway! I'm sorry you didn't win--I wish I could give one to everyone! I'm going to do another one in December! Thanks again for stopping by!

  4. That's funny. My oldest was like that when he was young. But my youngest doesn't like girls at all. Funny how different their personalities are.

  5. Awww! Young love! That's so sweet!

  6. Toddler kisses are the best! Connie and Bina can be very affectionate, maybe overly so. They annoy the heck out of one of their little friends. She has a fit every time they go to give her hugs and kisses.

  7. Watch out you have a heart breaker on yours hands!!! lol... Way to cute! And the pictures of him in the snow are absolutely adorable!!! Thanks for stopping by my site!!!
    Oh, and I noticed that you are into digital scrapbooking!!! What program do you use? I just had photoshop CS3 ( I think thats the name of it) downloaded to my computer. I have no idea how to work it but I've decided to give it a go!!!

  8. Oh for funny! 2 year old boys are so sweet and still innocent...or so I thought!! LOL.

    And yes - I guess we have your allotment of animals around here...funny thing is, is that I NEVER see the cat! I think she's become nocturnal since living with kids. LOL.

  9. That is so funny! My toddler-aged boyfriend still lives by my parents and I actually ran into him today at church. We still laugh about the days we played 'house' or 'doctor.' Oh my word - too funny!

  10. I think little kids just go through phases like this....but then again he might be starting with the ladies earlier than some!

  11. Oh that's so sweet.
    We were at a music recital yesterday & during the reception, Moose began following this little girl around for a few minutes. He stood by her and jabbered like he was hitting on her, then giggled and walked away (to me so he could have food). I think he really just liked her dress, but it was TOO CUTE. When he walked away from her, I asked him if he struck out; he just giggled. ha

  12. That is so cute! Ladies man already! :)

  13. that is too cute! he's going to be a heart breaker. ;)

  14. That is way funny. What a cutie!

  15. That's so precious!! Young love is getting younger every day! :)

  16. Kids are so darned adorable at that age. Always doing something to totally surprise you.

    But you better watch the little Casanova! He sounds like a little heartbreaker!

  17. Those are such sweet moments! Too bad you didn't get photos! Cute & good blackmail for later in life! :)

  18. oh my gosh! So cute. Too bad someone didn't get pictures!
