Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sunrise in Wyoming

With two young boys at our house, I am usually awake before the sun comes up. Though I often notice it getting lighter outside, very rarely do I actually take a moment to go outside and watch the miracle of the sunrise. After seeing these gorgeous photos that my dad took recently (he is always up before the sun!), I think that I may have to take that opportunity more often.

Here is the early morning view to the east of my parent's house in Wyoming.

This particular sunrise colored the entire sky. Look at how beautiful the sky is above the hills to the west of my parents' house.

Of course my parents don't exactly live in the city, so it might be more difficult for us to find an unobstructed view of the sunrise around here. However, I think I may have to take my older son outside one morning and try to have him watch the sunrise with me (he's an early bird). He loves everything that is up in the sky... the moon, stars, airplanes, helicopters, clouds, sun and rain. I can only imagine what he would think of wonders such as these.

I am participating in Wordful Wednesday.

p.s. My dad just had some minor laparoscopic surgery this week. We love you and hope you feel better soon Dad!


  1. Gorgeous pictures!

    And I hope your dad feels better soon.

  2. First, I just want to say that those are some amazing pictures that you have there. You are great with a camera.
    Second, wow all your water adventures. I am glad that things seem to be back to normal. Yeah, running water.

  3. Thanks for stopping by....

    Those are gorgeous pictures!!

  4. These are beautiful! I love the early morning!

    A magical WW to you!

  5. Beautiful! I hope I never get over the beauty of sunrise!!

  6. How beautiful! I think the sunrise and sunset is heavenly father's hug when the day starts and the day ends! Beautiful!

  7. Those photos are stunning. Daddy has a great eye. I hope he is doing well.

  8. Breathtaking photos.

    Hope your dad feels better soon.

  9. Unbelievably gorgeous! Hope your dad is feeling better.

  10. Oh wow! Sooo beautiful. It's a reminder to stop and smell the roses! Thanks for the reminder to do just that. And good luck to your dad!

  11. I'm lovin these pix! There is nothing more beautiful than the sky in the fall. It's magical and you captured it so well! Thank you!!!

  12. Those are some amazing sunrises! Wishing your dad a speedy recovery!

  13. I bet you'll be able to get some good shots from your house too. You are pretty good with the camera.

  14. Happy WW!!!!! These pictures are beautiful. I imagine starting off your day watching something like this is just as inspiring as getting on the treadmill, just way more fun and gorgeous.

  15. I love pictures like that! I have that as one of my goals, to watch the sun rise 10 times. :o) I popped over from 7 clown circus. Mr. Linky was acting up but it was kind of fun to randomly click on someone and see what their post was about!!

  16. beautiful! I hate getting up with the sun!! Hope Dad is well!

  17. Wow, what a gorgeous photos and I hope you Dad is feeling etter soon.

  18. What beautiful photos! It's rare I see sunrises, but i often make it a point to go outside to watch it set :)
    Happy Wednesday!

  19. Beautiful shots. They remind me so much of what I miss about Wyoming.

    Glad your Dad is doing well!

  20. I love sunrise and sunset photos. I usually get the sunset as I am not a morning person, but either way, I love 'em.

    My son also loves anything in the sky. he is always pointing up toward something.

  21. OH MY MY MY....Beautiful pictures. Just gorgeous.

  22. Just stunning... I love the sunrise, a quiet time to prepare for the day.

  23. Beautiful pictures!

  24. How beautiful. Makes me wish I were in Wyoming!

  25. I love sunrises and sunsets! Gorgeous!

  26. I don't get to see the sunrise much. Lately with the time change I leave for work in the dark, it actually rises while I am driving but I am heading south and you know, it's been months since I have even tried to look east. I will have to make an effort tomorrow morning and look east.
    Thanks for noticing something so beautiful!

  27. That sunset is so beautiful!
    Hope your dad is feeling better soon, too. :)

  28. Those are beautiful!!!!
    Get well soon Honey Mommy's Daddy!

  29. How gorgeous! If I was up before the sunrise, I don't know if I would be in the mood to appreciate it. I think you know what I mean ;).

    I hope your dad has a speedy recovery!

  30. Those are gorgeous! Some day I'll see another sunrise. ;) Typically I only saw sunrises when I stayed up until them. I am not a morning person.

  31. Gorgeous!

    I think you're so right about enjoying the sunrises with your Oldest. I have tried to teach my boys the beauty in a sunset. I knew I hit my mark the other day, when Oldest came home from soccer practice and asked if I had seen it - "I knew you would have just loved it Mama, full of pink."

    He's 6.

    And I'm never letting him move out.

