Friday, October 17, 2008

Holy Pumpkins, Batman!

I know I usually do a haiku on Fridays, but this week I just couldn't think of one! So I thought I would give Photostory Friday a try.

I often go past this little old truck when I am out riding my bicycle. It is near a little produce stand and I've meant to stop for a while now. Something about the dilapidated truck and the HUGE wooden pumpkins in the bed of the truck caught my eye. I thought Jonah would get a kick out of looking at them. So we stopped on our way home from taking photos in a pumpkin patch for one of my friends. Jonah though the pumpkins were fascinating!

He climbed in the truck and looked around. He even gave the pumpkins a hug! I liked this photo the best though. It gives you a good idea of just how BIG those babies are!

After seeing my pumpkin patch photos, one of my friends asked me to take pictures of her kids with the pumpkins. While we were at the pumpkin patch, I got another cute one of little Eli. Doesn't he look completely happy? What a cutie!

So that's my first photostory Friday. How did I do?

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


  1. Holy freaking COW batman those pumpkins are HUGE!!

    LOVE the picture of your little baby!!!!

    GREAT job on your first psf ;)

    That girl

  2. You did great. I love the big pumpkins and your little one is SO cute.

  3. those pumpkins are huge!!! i am amazed. i love the dumpy truck too! how cool.

  4. That old truck has so much character. And those pumpkins are bigger than some apartments I've lived in.
    Great shots!

  5. Great job. He really is a cute little guy. I'm hoping we can get to a pumpkin patch this weekend.

  6. I'm so GLAD you joined in on PSF, this was FANTAB. And those pumpkins? WOW.ZA. Knowing my guy, he would have wanted to bring those home!

  7. I think you did a great job on your fist photo story!

    Your little guy is adorable

  8. The truck with the big wooden pumpkins is really neat. Holy huge! And your little one is adorable in the pumpkins. Pure baby bliss. :)

  9. Looks like your having lots of fun taking those pictures.

  10. Great PSF!!

    What perfect pictures of the pumpkins, truck, and your little sweetie.

    And yes, holy cow, those were huge!!

  11. those pumpkins are huge and I thought they were real at first glance! You baby - so cute!!

  12. Those are some HUGE pumpkins! Your little boy is too stinkin cute!

  13. Love the first photo and the second is also TOO cute!

    You did great for your first time! Welcome to the gang and I look forward to seeing your future entries.

    Please VISIT My PSF. Thanks!

  14. The look on that baby's face is PRICELESS. Perfect capture.

    I'd say you did PSF proud!!! So glad you joined us!

  15. I love the pic with wooden pumpkins and the truck.

    And yes, your LO looks like he is absoluetely content to sit where he is.

  16. Charlie Brown! "The Great Pumpkin has arrived"

    Yikes those are big pumpkins..

    I love your pictures.. Great first post..

  17. those pumpkins are HUGE. what a fun experience for a little guy

  18. Aw super cute kiddo. He looks so happy.

  19. I love how you take advantage of the Holy Moments in your life!!!

  20. you did great! it is my first, too! you did a lot better on the photo end than i did.

    those pumpkins are AMAZING. you need to print that out and frame it.

  21. Those are awesome....a great way to get people to the patch!! LOL.

  22. You did great! Those wooden pumpkins are so realistic looking! And that last pic of Eli is ADORABLE!

  23. outta the park! wow- those shots are fantastic!!!!

  24. great photos! I love that old truck with the pumpkins in in. At first I thought they were real .... We had recently watched a huge pumpkin contest on TV.... winner was over 1600 lbs!
    Welcome to photo friday.

  25. I thought those were real upon first glance. Very cool. I think this is a great little snippet.

    I'll do a haiku:
    The great big pumpkins
    will put a grin on your face
    I'm glad we stopped by

    p.s. Love the pic, he does look very happy!

  26. You rock! I love that old truck thing too! It's a great shot.

  27. Holy pumpkins is right?!!!!

    Awesome job!

  28. You did fantastic! Great story and photos.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  29. cool. those pumpkins are strangely compelling. :O

  30. Those are huge! I want to know how much one of those puppies cost! Not that it matters. The shipping alone would kill me!

  31. Love the photostory! Maybe I will have to do that myself! Very cute pics

  32. Great pics! You won that giveaway of the candle and sticker from giveaway queen and she said that she hasn't heard from you and if you don't contact her by Sunday, then she'll pick someone else! I would be so excited to win...I don't want you to miss out on your prize!!

  33. What cuties!! When I first so those big pumpkins I thought that they were real, haha! I just want to touch your baby Eli's soft chicky-down hair so badly! I bet that it is cozy to snuggle!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  34. You did great! I came to see you from Mamarazzi. Yours was the comment right before mine.

    That's what I call the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Lots of them! Adorable photos of you darling, too.

  35. The pumpkins are huge...but the kids are ADORABLE! Thanks so much for stopping by on my SITS day!

  36. I love your blog title. SO CREATIVE! Found you through a friend. Oh my goodness, I thought those pumpkins were real at first. My husband is a drama teacher and he would love to own those pumpkins. They would have looked great for the Wizard of OZ. Your little one is so cute. I remember one of my kids used to get on the scale and jump down and say 40 lbs. I wonder if it's and easy number for them to say? Hey we have a giveaway! Let your friends know. To enter, just leave a message. Sadie @ Sadie's Crafts from Raspberry Lemonade.

  37. This was a perfect Photostory Friday! Holy Pumpkins is right! And congrats on being a saucy blog this week.

  38. Those pumpkins are huge!! I almost thought you photoshopped the truck in because it looks so awesome and vintage... just popping in from SITS, congrats on your Saucy status this week!

  39. How cute is that baby!! Congratulations on being saucy this week... prepare for visitors friend! I loved it - hope you do too!!

    Make it a great day!

  40. Congrats on being Saucy! Your boys are just to cute!love the photos. Way to go on the Breast Cancer bike ride. I'll be back to read more :)

  41. Love the truck and pumpkins.
    What a happy little guy! You have a beautiful blog. congrats on being saucy!

  42. Great pictures! I LOVE pumpkins and fall.

    Just wanted to stop by and say CONGRATS on being a SAUCY blog this week!

  43. So adorable...and i have never seen a pumpkin that big before; quite amazing :D

    Love your name, I used to call my mother honey till I was three because that`s what my father always called her, too.

  44. Your little boy is to cute!
    congrats on being saucy this week!

    Much Love

  45. Such cute photos!!! And HUGE fun wood pumpkins to look at.... I bet he loved it!!

    Congrats on being Saucy this week!!!! ;)


  46. Congratulations on being saucy!


  47. Great! And that pumpkin is quite large. Congrats on being a Saucy blog.

  48. Congrats on being Saucy!

    I love that old truck - so many stories it could probably tell if it had a voice...

  49. are those pumpkins are big boulders. Wow!?!

  50. Those are HUGE!!! Crazy huge!

    Love your blog layout and the header is darling.

    Happy Saucy to you!

  51. Oh, wow!!!

    Those are huge!

    What a great pic!!!

