Monday, October 20, 2008

Feeling Saucy!

When I logged in on Sunday to blog about our Family Photo Fiasco, I was stunned to see that I had 19 comments to moderate!!

What the heck is going on here? I was on here less than 24 hours ago, right? Where did all these comments come from? Am I in bloggy heaven?

So I put up my post and then went to read my comments... it was then that I figured it out:

I'm a Saucy blog! Wahoo! Hey Honey, come look at this!

I could not believe that I had been chosen by the Secret is in the Sauce to be featured as one of their Saucy blogs this week! It has been so much fun so far. I have spent the last three hours reading comments and checking out all of your blogs! (Good thing I am "working hard" here at the library tonight, right?)

I waited until tonight to check out all the comments so that I wouldn't ignore my boys all day. I admit that I did check once or twice while Eli was napping to release all my comments (good thing he takes more than one nap!).

My two-year-old, Jonah was being a good boy and playing with his toy cars... or so I thought! Once this morning I turned around and caught him like this:

This is still my toy!

Yep. He crawled in his baby brother's exersaucer and sat down in it backwards! Isn't that hilarious! Ah well, at least he was having a good time!

Ok. It's time to go home from work now. But I am loving this saucy feeling!


  1. HAPPY SAUCYNESS!!!! :-)

    Oh and I LOVE the exersaucer! My 17 month old still loves to get in it! lol


  2. Congratz on being a Saucy Blog! :)

  3. Blake climbs into the jumparoo too.. and until I left the exersaucer outside and it got moldy he loveeeddd to play in it!

  4. that is so cute, very nice blog best wishes!

  5. Cute pic! Never had an exersaucer, but my son always climbed in the walker once his little sister can along. Congrats on all your sauciness!

  6. You totally deserve some recognition momma! Congrats.....

  7. I'm so glad you're a Saucy blog...everyone should see the sweetness from Honey Mommy!

  8. Such a cute pic.

    Congrats on being so Saucy!

  9. Congratulations on being a saucy blog!

    Cute kiddo! :)

  10. Congrats on the recognition! You do have a mighty fine blog! Great into with the saucer pics.

  11. How exciting! I remember when my blog was reccomended on Google Reader I was so excited, but this is even better! I don't know if I have the time to join this saucy blog thing, as much as I want to! I'm already behind with my regular blogs, I don't know what I would do if I added more! Oh and that picture is adorable!

  12. Congrats on your saucy blog, i came over via SITS.
