
Friday, January 31, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 | {January 24-30}

Day 24

I woke up this morning to find that my daughter had thrown up during the night and then went back to sleep and slept in it. Yuck! Needless to say, I spent most of the morning cleaning her up as well as her clothes, bedding and room. In the afternoon she was spent, so she took a long nap.

Luckily she did not throw up again and seemed better after her nap. We snuggled on the couch and watched the little birds eat the last of the seeds from our feeder. I took lots of pictures, but was really impressed that I caught one of the bird in midair!

Day 25

This morning it was cold enough that there was a lot of frost on the car in the driveway. So I got out my macro lens and filters and took some pretty pictures of the ice crystals.

Later I had the opportunity to go to a recording studio with a small women's choir. We were recording two songs that were written by one of my dear friends.

Day 26

Before church on Sunday I took a bunch of pictures of the kids reading books, but none of the pictures were very interesting. Then I randomly snapped this picture of my little girl playing around in the kitchen. Isn't she a cutie?

Day 27

Monday was a nondescript kind of day. I forgot to get my camera out until it was time for me to head for work. So here is a picture of the stacks at my library.

Day 28

After lunch it was bright and sunny outside, so we decided to go for a walk. When my daughter came running back towards me I managed to catch this picture of her in midair.

Day 29

Today was a rotten day. On my way to bed, I noticed that the boy's bedroom light was on. I opened the door, thinking I was going to have to chastise someone for being up way past bedtime. Instead I found both of my boys, fast asleep in their beds. Aren't they precious?

Day 30

Today it finally snowed for the first time in a long time! It was really wet, slushy snow. While I shoveled the slush off the driveway, Miss Aubrey decided to take a ride on the path made by the van's tires.

Nurse Loves Farmer

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Weekly Top Shot #93


  1. Busy week! Love Miss A running with her shadow! And how precious is she in her church dress!

  2. These are great pictures!! I want a macro lens ( well - I really need a new camera first =/)

  3. Great photos, the last one is great with the snow :)

  4. wow what a really stunning shot of that bird mid air its beautiful x

  5. What a great collection of pictures! I love the sleeping shot on Day 24, the Day 26 picture, and how the library photo looks so interesting - must be a book lover thing!

  6. Wonderful photos - love the bird and catching your daughter in midair.

  7. Oh my , is there anything sweeter than the face of a sleeping child?!?

  8. what lovely photos. What a fab opportunity to get the chance to record in a studio, did you enjoy the experience?

  9. Incredible. That bird photo is incredible. Looks like your boys are having sweet dreams.She is a cutie and I love the shadow of her in mid air. Really just all incredibly good.

  10. You take the most magical pictures, I adore your eye for the angle and light! Poor little poppet being so poorly, hope she's fully recovered now? Great work on the bird capture, and I love your daughter's angelic smile.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  11. Aww.... love the sleeping babes... One of your boys has the same blanket my son did (actually I think he still does). The cars blanket in the first picture.

    And yes, your baby girl is a cutie!

  12. I look forward to your photos every week! Just brilliant - love the bird picture!!!
