
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Snow Day!

What a snowstorm! My kids have been waiting and waiting for the white stuff to fall so they could play in the snow. Last weekend we got some snow, but right after the storm the temperatures dropped to well below freezing (we are talking 1 degree at 8 am!). So the snow was way too crunchy to play in and it was too COLD to take the kids outside.

Needless to say, the kids were disappointed. I told them to just wait. They would get their chance to play in the snow. Then this weekend it warmed up a little bit and snowed... and snowed and snowed and snowed!

Yesterday it snowed ALL Day.  I can't even tell you how many times we shoveled the driveway! At least I have a helpful snow removal crew.

I was going to go exercise at the gym yesterday, but I think I got enough exercise with all the shoveling. Of course, the kids were loving the snow!

My daughter was SO funny, riding her scooter in the snow. Who says scooters are only for summertime anyway? Especially if your Daddy keeps your driveway absolutely clean in the wintertime?

We had snowball fights, made snow angels and played with our sand toys. (They are great in the winter too!).

Oh what fun! By the time naptime arrived, my daughter's pants were completely encrusted with snow. I may not have snowpants her size yet, but at least I put two more pairs of pants under those jeans!

Now it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We have lovely white snow everywhere, which I am totally ok with as long as we can keep the temperatures at least close to freezing.

I am so excited for Christmas with my little family. Our Christmas tree is decorated, Christmas music is playing constantly at our house, and the kids have already been to see Santa.

I love sharing Christmastime with my children! Their excitement is contagious and they really help me rediscover the magic and wonder of the season.

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. What great photos and looks like such a great fun family time! It brought back memories of when my children were young :)

  2. SO fun! We had our first (minor) snow last night. So excited!!

  3. Is there anything more fun than the first snow of the season, at least in the eyes of children?

  4. It really looks like they were having a lot of fun. Love the snow angel and scooter shots!

  5. Wow! Love all of these shots and so wish I could play in the snow too! :)
