
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: {10.20.13}


“The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”
-Tahereh Mafi


"Autumn is a second Spring when every leaf is a flower."   -Albert Camus

Is it any wonder that this is my favorite time of year? It is so beautiful!

First World Problem

This weekend my husband cleaned up the garden because it is getting to cold for the plants to survive. Would you believe he picked 60 peppers? What am I going to do with all of them?


I went on a walk in the early evening with my children just as the sun was setting today. I love the golden hour, when the world is becoming quiet and still. I admit that I did more picture-taking than walking!

A Good Day

I offered to take some family pictures for my sister this year. I am not a professional by any means, but I enjoy taking pictures and my sister thinks I am pretty good at it. However my first attempt was a dismal failure. I was coming down with a horrible head cold (which resulted in rupturing both my eardrums a few days later), so my settings were a little off and many of the pictures were blurry. (I think I was a little blurry too). Luckily she let me try again and the pictures turned out SO much bettter! Here is a picture of my cute little niece. Any time you can get a cute, smiling picture of a two-year old is a good day!

Ni Hao Yall
Weekly Top Shot #93
Also linked to Seasonal Sundays


  1. Great selections for this week's challenge!

  2. The pepper picture is really striking! I love all the colors.

  3. 60 peppers!! So colorful!! Love the moon shot!

  4. WOW, 60 peppers! Make relish???? Use some in making what my mom called CHOW-CHOW (it was a type of relish too)... dry them??? Really you've got me a bit stumped... I can think of how to use a couple peppers, but 60... Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on the Weekly Top Shot, #105!

  5. Beautiful pictures!! I love the cutiepie in a box

  6. Aww... she's really cute. And the moon pic? Awesome.

  7. Beautiful, beautiful series of images!

  8. I have still never tried to photograph a full moon. I really have to put that on my "to do" list. Very nice work. And yes, any time I have my camera, I will take more pictures than walk. That's just how it goes. Have a blessed Sunday.

  9. Beautiful photos! Have a great week!

  10. Beautiful shots-the moon, the leaf,stunning. Love the purple peppers mixed in with the green.

  11. Such wonderful images.

    You're always welcome at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Great set. - Always love the shots your take of the moon.
    Your leafy is very pretty. I like the colors and the muted background.
    Oh your niece is a cutie pie.
    So sorry to hear you had a bad cold and ruptured your eardrums. Ouch!

  13. These are lovely sets of photos especially the peppers,lovely colors and your niece is a sweetheart.

    Have a great week!

  14. These are all wonderful! I would have loved to have you take pictures of my kid when he was little!
