
Friday, March 14, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 | {March 7- March 13 }

Day 67 | March 7

Today I went to Toys R Us with my little girl in a last ditch effort to find Lego Movie minifigures. I was planning a Lego Movie party for my soon-to-be six year old on Saturday and wanted a few minifigures for little gifts. Unfortunately like all other stores, they were completely sold out! But Miss Aubrey did find this pretty pink Hello Kitty room that she wanted for her very own!

Day 68 | March 8

We had so much fun at Eli's Lego Movie birthday party! We played lots of fun games, ate fabulous treats and had a great time! I am planning on an entire post about the party, so there will definitely be more to come.

Day 69 | March 9

This morning I caught my little girl "writing" in her notebook. All of the sudden she looks so grown up! I can't believe she will be three in a week!

Day 70 | March 10

Today was Eli's birthday and he had the day off from school! We went to the park in the morning and then went and played laser tag in the afternoon. Then he got to open his presents and put them together. He got the set of Legos that he desperately wanted from the Lego Movie, and in case you can't tell, he was pretty happy about it!

Day 71 | March 11

What a wild weather day! It snowed in the morning, then in the afternoon the boys and I went out and flew kites because it was so windy. Then later in the evening it rained!

Day 72 | March 12

This morning when I went out to throw a few more things in the recycle bin, I couldn't help but notice the ice crystals that had formed on blue bin. So I ran in and got my camera to take a few macros. I love the way you can see all the little crystals!

Day 73 | March 13

This evening I had the kids help me clean up the Legos in the toy room so we can set up Jonah's electric train tomorrow. While we were at it, I had them sort through the Legos in the bucket and help me find all the minifigure parts so I can put them back together. I don't mind if the Lego sets are not all together, but it makes me crazy to find minifigures without heads, arms and or legs!

Nurse Loves Farmer
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. My son turned 5 this week and everyone was searching for the age 5 and up Lego Movies Figurines! They searched the whole state and we came up with so many of them. I think one out of ten stores had them. My son just saw the awesome set you son got and declared he can put them together. That would have saved a lot of time searching :)

  2. What a fun party!! Love the snow/ice pics - wow!! Happy b-day to Eli!

  3. Caleb got Lego Movie sets for his birthday too! He got the ice cream machine, trash chomper, and bad cop's pursuit. I hate torn apart mini figs too. I have a rule that arms and hands can't be pulled off. Everything else is fair game, but not those.

  4. Oh my flying a kite i have so never done this and ought of done, some beautiful shots this week xx
