Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Sprinklers

At the end of last week it was finally warm enough for the boys to play outside in the water! We have had an incredibly wet and cloudy spring, so it was nice to finally have some sunshine and warmth.

We got out the sprinkler ball, and the boys had a great time playing with it.

By the end of the evening they were soaked. Eli keeps asking to get out the swimming pool, but it is still too cool at night for the water to stay warm. So until it gets warmer, the sprinkler and the slip 'n slide will have to do!

Actually the boys may get to play in a pool this week when we go to Bryce Canyon for Honey Daddy's conference. We will be staying at a motel, and I am sure they will have a pool. It will be good practice for the boys before we get them signed up for swimming lessons!

Linked up to Wordful Wednesday, Wordish Wednesday, and Wordless Wednesdays all over.

Wordish WednesdayBetter in Bulk


  1. How fun! It's been a bit cool here too, but it looks like you found the perfect solution. Happy WW!

  2. Oh, what fun!!!! Gotta love sprinklers and summer. That is one summer activity that will never go out of style!

  3. My kiddos just played in the sprinkler ball for the first time this season too! How funny. Glad they had a good time. :)

  4. So cool.. great way to cool off on a hot summers day.

  5. looks like they had a blast. soon you'll have 3 out there running around. hope you have fun at the hotel pool

  6. Look how big they are! Was thinking about getting one of those for The Dudes but our hose is such a pain I'd probably never even pull the thing out. Looks like a blast though!

  7. They look like they are having so much fun!
