Day 99
April 9: The boys and I went to visit with one of my friends from college. Would you believe that she has this totally cool chalkboard wall at her house?! Now my kids totally want one (and secretly I do too!)! Jonah had the best time writing on the walls and then erasing them.Day100
April 10: As an early birthday present for my Honey Daddy, I got a sitter for the boys and the two of us went for a LONG bike ride together. We rode around West Mountain (for those of you familiar with Utah County). We had a great time together and got in about 56 miles!Day 101
April 11: Happy Birthday Honey Daddy! I am glad you have finally caught up to the rest of us old folks (he's 30 now!). Since neither of us is particularly fond of cake, I got my honey this yummy chocolate satin pie. It was SO good!Day 102
April 12: It was a rainy soggy day. My picture prospects were looking bleak. Then I caught my boys staring out the window at the rain. I was totally drawn in by Eli's beautiful eyes.Day 103
April 13: Still rainy! Today the weather was being such a tease! Rainy... sunny... hail... more rain. Sheesh! During a break in the clouds I ran outside and took a picture of these wet flowers in front of my house.Day 104
April 14: Hooray for sunshine! Spring must really be on it's way because today I got to hang my sheets outside to dry AND I saw the first butterfly of the season! Isn't he gorgeous?April 15: We have been doing a lot of cycling around here (especially on the sunny days). Honey Daddy is often commuting to work by bike. On his way home today he took the long way home... just for fun. When he got home he showed me his gps, which documented that his average speed was 20 miles per hour! His ride turned out to be exactly an hour and he went 20 miles! He is smoking fast!
This evening I went on a bike ride too.... not quite as far, or as fast, but good enough for me (average 17.5 mph)! I often see the most beautiful things while out riding. Tonight I saw baby ducks on the lake, the most beautiful ripples on the water as the sun set, and two deer crossing the road in front of me.
It's just too bad I don't carry my camera with me when I ride. But I guess some of life's beautiful moments have to be captured in our memories instead of in pictures.

Hosted by Cecily and Mamarazzi

Aww! Loved both the pictures with the little guy..He's a sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteChalkboard paint is one of the coolest inventions ever!! We bought some when we bought our house and painted a wall in the boys room, a space in the kitchen, and a wall in the office with it. Its like this great novelty to have a wall you can draw on (and its chalk so even if it travels off the chalkboard on occaision it is soooo easy to clean!!!)
ReplyDeleteI love all your pictures, as always!!! You really take some amazing photos!!
love the pictures, especially the one of Eli. hope you have another great week to come
ReplyDeleteHOLY cow! I can't believe you both ride that fast! I'm seriously impressed!
ReplyDeleteWe had a chalkboard wall at my old home in NJ and the kids LOVED it. (we miss it in PA)
LOVE the shot of your son's beautiful eyes too :)
Ooo, a chalkboard wall is SO cool. I totally want one too.
ReplyDeleteI too would love to have a chalkboard wall. You always make me want to ride my bike..... but it has 2 flat tires and and and
ReplyDeletethe wet flowers are very pretty and you butterfly beautiful.
Great great pictures!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your husband, I will be finally joining the rest of you in October :)
That picture of Eli is great. And I love the flowers in the rain, the background almost looks black, it is awesome.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. What a fun week. That chalkboard wall is the BEST! I have always wanted to do that to some room! Maybe when we finish the basement : ). Although kaish is 10 now so the thrill might not be there much longer. Darn growing up!
ReplyDelete30? You guys are babies. Love 33 year old becky :)
Your posts in the Spring and Summer always make me want to take up cycling...and then I remember how completely spazzy I can be on a bike. It's probably best that I just cheer for you on the virtual sidelines.
ReplyDeleteAnd I will. Because 17.5 miles an hour...WOOOOO HOOOO!!!!
You know what? It's okay that you don't take your camera EVERYWHERE. Sometimes it's very therapeutic to see just beauty, and not feel compelled to record it. Let it be fleeting -- you still have the memory.
ReplyDeleteI'm a cake guy - but that pie could convert me!
I really admire your bike riding. Have I ever mentioned that? Well, I do :)
That chalkboard wall is huge! I thought I was doing good to cover a toy box in chalkboards. VERY cool!
By the way, your butterfly shot intrigued me -- because I think it looks like a moth.
ReplyDeleteSo I did a little research...conclusion: inconclusive.
The knobby antennae are indicative of a butterfly, but resting with it's wings open is indicative of a moth. The fact that it's out in the daylight says butterfly, but the thicker body says moth.
I have no idea what you have there, but thanks for the science lesson :)
Eli's eyes are absolutely gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures! It's neat how participating in this keeps you looking for beauty. It's kind of the like the FFF I do each Friday, recalling the week's blessings.
ReplyDeleteYour post about "pants-dyslexia" was so funny!!
I can't BELIEVE y'all can bike 56 miles (and part of me is a little shocked you would want to -- but then I remember my BFF from middle school who LOVES to bike (she's in Utah too!) and I realize that it's probably just that I'm lazy)
ReplyDeleteI like the bikes shots !!
I would love to have a chalkboard wall, too. We're hoping to get bikes soon to take family rides -- I know it must be an awesome way to bond.