Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One Year Later and Just as Dirty

This past week it has been unseasonably warm in the afternoons, but I'm not complaining! It has been nice to be able to take the boys outside to play, and we have spent quite a bit of time in our sandbox.

Watching Jonah play in the sand reminded me of one of my very favorite photos. I took this picture of him in the sandbox a little over a year ago. I don't know what it is, but something about this photo always makes me smile.

Jonah has changed so much in a year. He enjoys the sandbox much more now and is very imaginative in his play. He likes to have me build sand castles with him so that he can stomp on them... he is definitely all boy!

The other day Jonah was playing in the sandbox while I hung up a load of laundry on the line to dry. I went and played with him for a while, then I ran inside the house to grab something. When I looked out the window I nearly cracked up! Jonah was out there trying to bury himself in the sand. So of course I grabbed my camera and dashed outside.

Just look at how big my baby has grown! From 12 months to 2T and everything in between. I love this little guy! He has such a fun personality.

Here is the very short video that I took of him in action:

I am participating in Wordful Wednesday.


  1. Wow! He has really grown - too cute :)

    Thanks for stopping by on my SITS feature day - I appreciate it!!

  2. that is so cute & funny! lounging in the sandbox!!

  3. What adorable pictures! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I love comparison shots of kids - especially in the first three years! Those are precious.

  5. That is just adorable, a "sand bed" is most likely the best thing in the world to a 2 year old. It looks like our little guys are around the same age, they are too much fun at 2!

  6. This is great. What a wonderful way to capture memories of your son growing up.

  7. I love kids playing pictures! Looks so fun! A magical WW to you.

  8. Oh, he is so cute.......and what a great mommy to GIVE him a sandbox! :)

  9. What a difference a year makes! Your son is adorable... such a cutie.

    The previous Swiffer Baby post is hilarious. Brilliant idea!

  10. Oh, he is just too cute. And it's so funny that he's just lying there shoveling sand onto his belly!

  11. Now that is cute. . .and funny.

  12. Your pictures definitely show how much he has changed in a year! What a cutie-pie.

  13. isn't it amazing the difference a year can make!

  14. gosh, he HAS grown. how great to have the "evidence". i swear, it must be something in the genes... my guys are their happiest when they are rolling around in the mud and dirt and sand, in the rain and the snow, and whatever else you can think of...

    i hate being sandy more than just about anything.

  15. So cute! He is a precious boy, don't they grow to fast?

  16. That is so fun to see a comparison! He is cutie!

  17. they grow so quick...and he is cuter than ever!!! i just was putting clothes in a dontaion/sell pile today that sofie has outgrown. never ever thought it would happen!

  18. It is amazing how quickly they grow and change! That is the magic of pictures.

  19. that is just too funny and totally something that Hayden would do

  20. He really has grown a lot in one year! His face looks so much older in the latter pics, but still soooo adorable. I am a little bias but I LOVE a blonde haired blue eye boy! :-)

  21. Reminds me so much of my boys, and girl! LOL

  22. OH! How adorable!
    And, wow, he has changed a lot!
    Happy WW!

  23. In the second photo he looks like he is about to make a sand angel. What a doll!

  24. He looks sooooo much taller now! He really has grown.

    Happy Wednesday.

  25. that photo makes me smile too! great pictures... sure does look like a lot of sand fun!

  26. That was so cute...I love when they get to the really cool personality stage!!! So Fun!

  27. I can't believe how big he got in just one year. It goes by so fast!

  28. So cute and very funny. I just wonder how long it took him to dig the hole he is laying in.

  29. They change so much so quickly. Thank goodness for cameras!

    Tag you're it!

  30. look at how much he has grown! photos are too cute.

    I never like sand as a child, now I love it... well only on the beach. haha! :)

  31. Cute pictures! My hubby has been promising to build Brennen a sandbox. I sure wish he'd hurry it up....boys sure do love to dig!

  32. The pictures you take a so amazing!
