Friday, September 19, 2008

Hot for the Holidays - Fat Ticker Friday

I don't know if you noticed, but I am participating in Hot for the Holidays. A bunch of bloggers are getting together to try to lose 500 lbs. Heck, I would like to lose about 30 myself.

So my husband was checking out my blog the other day (he doesn't very often) and he is excited that I am going to be hot for the holidays. Too bad I'm the one who has to do all the work.

I am happy to say that even though my husband was gone this week, making it difficult to exercise, I lost 2 pounds. Hooray!

What sucks is that the best way for me to lose weight is to keep track of EVERY SINGLE THING I EAT. Otherwise I end up mindlessly munching on this or that. So it's food diary time for me!


  1. Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Thanks for stopping by! My fiance is the same way. He can eat anything and everything but gain a pound. I eat something and it sticks out on my bottom!

  2. I hear ya girl! I have been working on mine since April of this year. So far I am up to 27 lbs lost as of today. Yeah for me and Honey Mommy!!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog too :). I like getting to know knew blogging friends! Sounds like you have little ones too (me just 1) & they do make it very hard to exercise! So great job on finding the time & for losing some weight!

  4. 2 pound!!! I am not worthy!!!!

    Good job girl!

  5. :-) Love the name of your blog - thanks for swinging over to mine & commenting. Congrats on the great weight loss!!!!

  6. CONGRATS on the awesome loss! YAY! My "baby" if you can still call him that is 13 months and I'm still not yet HOT, but I WILL BE! I WILL BE! I did it once after my daughter was born, I can do it again. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I sure love yours!

  7. Congrats on 2 pounds! It's not easy to get the weight off especially with little ones. Keep up the good work!

  8. Congrats on the 2 pounds! I also track what I eat because it's the only way that I have been able to successfully drop pounds. Everyone is different, so finding what works for you is awesome.

  9. congrats!! that's awesome! ugh, the food journal. i know i should do that but i always give up after two days. but you're right. it works. good luck this week!!!
